Tuesday, March 9, 2010


My wonderful 2.5 week holidays are officially over. sigh. They were great, however Joy got a cold for the first week. I got a cold for the first half of the second week. Then we finished off the last weekend with a big 'bang', Joy vomiting sick. Poor Girl. I felt so helpless. Here my baby girl is getting sick, crying, not eating or drinking and I don't know what to do. This is where mom's come in handy. Some day I'll be the mom that gets the phone call on what to do, but for now I still get to call my mom. However she was away on a trip so not online, and also lives 14hours ahead of us. So I got Orlund to call his mom. Thanks Hazel! Glad we both have our mom's around for us to call :) One tip I'll give, if you make Jello juice (watery Jello that doesn't set) make it from a flavor that wont stain. And if you don't have one of those flavors at home, GO BUY ONE! I think we will be okay as our Grape jello upings were all caught in a bucket or on Dark towels (sorry if TMI).

Joy is better. yippee. Now? My husband is sick. That's right. Sigh. poor guy. With him I know what to do. Leave him alone. Bring water. Drugs? Much easier.

I started work today. Grace is now potty trained. smile. She did very good today with just one small accident while napping (apparently her parents forgot to tell me to put a diaper on at nap time, I thought I'd try it one day and see how it went). I figured working would make my weeks go bye faster. sure. it probably will. however it doesn't make the individual days go faster. sigh. I want everything to go faster, then slow again once baby is here. Oh well. Can't have everything.

Mom's night out is this week. Yipee. Probably my last one before baby arrives. It's at the Keg. A lot of people like the Keg. I'm not that big of a fan. Too pricey. And not honestly that good. But I'm looking forward to the night out with the ladies from Church. It's always nice to get out without the kids.

I think I'm rambling now ;)
God Bless you all!

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