Monday, June 7, 2010

Cats Cats Cats

I love cats.
I am a cat person.
Correction ~ I love MY cats.

Growing up we had cats, outdoor cats. They kept the other cats away (and we lived in the country). then once we moved to town our cat was an indoor/outdoor cat. She also kept the other cats away, she ruled the neighborhood.

Got married. Had mice. Got cat. She was indoor/outdoor. good. Owl got cat. bad. mice return. Got another cat ~ Tipsy.

She's a weird weird cat. Wont jump, climb or do most anything normal cats do. We want her to be indoor/outdoor, however she wont poop anywhere but in the kitty litter. And when we let her outside, she can't get out of the backyard when the gate is closed. So she doesn't keep cats away. There are so many cats in this neighborhood it's not funny! They all used my front flower bed as a litter box over the winter. We decided to fill it in with rocks. Done. Now they poop on my front lawn. Annoyed. I don't even know how many cats there are, but there are a lot. This morning when I rounded the corner onto our street I saw 6 cats all perched on a fence, within an approx 10foot stretch of fence. And I can think of at least 5 more cats that I've seen that weren't apart of this 'cat meeting'. CRAZY!

I love my cat.
I hate cat poop.

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