Sunday, January 10, 2010


So my husband has a broken leg. Read my last post on all that 'goodness'. So I've been put into overdrive. Looking after Joy, my daycare girl, the house, the cat, the car and oh yeah the hubby. Don't get me wrong I love it. Just it tires me out now with this little one growing inside me. Oh and exciting news? I'm in my 3rd trimester!!! CRAZY!!!

I'll talk about my pregnancy before I talk about my overdrive. I'm 27weeks preggy. And I feel like this baby is 9months already ~ why? Baby kicks as hard as Joy did in the last month. Now I still have 3 months of this and it's only going to get more painful. But I'm starting to feel more energized (well until overdrive set in). I even stopped taking naps! Unbelievable I know! But I seem to do my best in the last leg of pregnancy. Morning sickness it completely gone, I look pregnant, and I'm excited for babies arrival ~ while trying to enjoy time alone with my daughter as well. I am on a pregnancy forum (where preggy mom's due around me all chit chat). They are all ready and set up for babies arrival...3 months in advance? I dont' think I was even that ready with Joy. Because we had to redo flooring etc, and set up the furniture. This time around? I dont' plan to even look at the boxes of newborn stuff until begining of March. Orlund will have his cast off and I wont have Grace for a few weeks. Perfect time to rearrange furniture and go through all the baby stuff. I'm very excited to set up for baby, but I honestly don't know how we will fit him/her in. Joy has SO MUCH STUFF that I just don't know how it will work out. I have decided I need more shelves in the closet in their room. That would provide enough room, however......I have to remove one of the shelving units from the room to fit Joy's 'big girl bed'. hmmmm... Oh well I'll make it work. I can get pretty creative, might just have to build some shelves etc.

Now onto my overdrive. So Orlund broke his leg on Tuesday. Tuesday night was Mom Norstroms birthday dinner. That's it for the week (besides working on thrusday). Orlund was okay'd to work from home so he worked thursday and friday, I think a bit wednesday ~ atleast setting up the connection to work. Friday we get a call from one of our pastors that the small group we volunteered to host IS happening this sunday. Sure, I was looking forward to hosting it. My house was a disaster!! This is the overdrive. I'd been working on laundry all week (still not done), I got Orlund to do some folding. That's about all he could do. So I started cleaning. Saturday I had a birthday party to go to then we went to dinner out at my parents place. There goes saturday for cleaning. Today, Sunday, I cleaned this house upside and out. I'm tired. I'll sleep good tonight. I was just about to put some cookie dough in the oven (frozen stuff) when the pastor called to say that he didn't think anyone was coming tonight....And no one showed up. That's okay right? My house is spotless, and I still have to move some furniture back to their places (chairs). Orlund said it's good that the house is clean 'cause then I can go hang out with my mom tomorrow and not worry about the house needing to be cleaned......sure....This means he wont be bugging me about things needing to get done, however it makes me realize just how much more I have to do. Laundry. Fish tank. Vacuum downstairs (toy room). Clean our ensuite. Remop the entry (doesn't work moping in the dark). kitty litter. and the list goes on. But at least if anyone was to stop in to say "hi" my house would seem clean :) I love it being clean.

Well I should run, I've got some stuff to research online.
God Bless you.

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