Happy Father's Day to any Dad's out there.
Here is how our Wonderful Father's day was spent.
Day 1 ~ Saturday. Okay not 'officially' father's day however we dedicated Saturday to spending the day as a family.
In the morning Orlund got up first and made waffles (okay so I should have made them but he's the bestest at it). I chopped up strawberries. fresh strawberries. from our garden. yummy. And we had some whipping cream (so we thought, turned out it was whipping topping ~ not as yummy). What a perfect start to the day! Orlund, Joy and myself sat down and ate while Olivia slept in.
After breakfast was cleaned up Joy and I decided it was time for gifts. So Joy oh so proudly marched over to Daddy to show him the beautiful card she made him. Then he unwrapped a 5qrt Crock pot (some gift you say? He wanted one). I gave him a Crock pot cook book.
We then got the girls dressed, made lunch and headed out to a local playground (in walking distance). It was the perfect day. Warm but not scorching, and just the slightest breeze. It was our first time to this playground and it was perfect, fenced in, shade, kid swings, a slide that Joy can climb up to all on her own. perfect. We enjoyed a picnic lunch while Joy played, occasionally running up for a bite to eat.
We headed home so Joy took a nap, and I cleaned the house while Orlund went grocery shopping. Joy woke up before Orlund returned so I chopped up some veggies and we had a little snack. Once Orlund returned we headed out to Walmart to purchase our Dad's Father day gifts.
After our shopping we headed to dinner. I didn't tell Orlund where we were going so I gave him directions and he kept guessing. We went to a local Sushi restraunt called 'Oya'. They have an all you can eat dinner for $24.95, and we LOVE sushi. It was the perfect surprise for him.
After filling our tummies we came home, put the kids to bed and enjoyed a quiet evening watching 'the office'.
Day 2~ Sunday. Church. Enjoyable although I was stuck in the nursery with Olivia the entire service. We came home to host a Father's day BBQ with our families. (well Orlund's parents and sister and my Dad). It was a scrumptious lunch (thanks Honey!). Then Twyla hung out with us until 6pm (when Joy got up from her nap!) making it a wonderful day!! It is now 7:30pm, Joy has just gone to bed. Olivia is playing with some toys. Orlund has gone out to get some milk and I am blogging.... The perfect end to the perfect weekend!
God bless all you Dad's out there! We need you, love you and appreciate you to no end!!