Sunday, February 28, 2010


That's right, I am 34 weeks pregnant. And honestly ready for it to be over! Although it can't be over until my mom arrives home from Thailand (April 4th). I'm tired, sore and just done with it. Although on the bright side of things Orlund's foot is healing nicely so he's starting to be able to hobble around without crutches. He's taken over cooking a few nights and even made a cake for our small group today. It really helps, although I still do clean up and bring him things he can't carry while hobbling. Which is fine. I have this next week off still from work. I have alot I want to do... Although I'm fighting a cold right now so who knows how much I'll actually get done. I had all my time scheduled off, however my body keeps telling me to slow down, which makes me feel lazy not getting it all done, but I do need to take it easy. As Orlund likes to point out most pregnant women don't do all this work this close to the end.
I wanted to get Joy's scrapbook done before my 2.5 weeks off. I got pictures printed, that's all. sigh. I have got all the baby stuff organized this past week like I'd planned too (although still have to bring up carseat, cradle etc from crawlspace but I might just leave that for Orlund to help with).

Joy has started sleeping in her 'big girl bed' at night. She's only had one nap in it so far and that's 'cause she fell asleep in the car so I just put her in there. She does great, although if I don't go and get her in the morning right away after a while she decides to get up anyway and just plays quietly in her room. Unless she hears me moving around then will knock on her door. So cute!

This morning I felt great!! The best I've felt in a long, long time! (34weeks probably!). I had a nice nap yesterday, when Joy got up Daddy played with her and let me sleep longer. Then night was usual, however in the morning I woke up and the others kept sleeping. I had a shower (think I need to do that in the morning more, I've been doing it more afternoon. But I think mornings it'll have to be again), I got dressed. Ate breakfast, sipped on a warm drink, put my makeup on and was all ready to go before I woke the others up. I had coffee and toast ready for Orlund and Milk with toast for Joy. Got them up, fed, dressed and out the door. Went to church, where after I dropped Orlund and Joy off at the door I parked the car, got a spot on the pavement for once, then headed inside to find Grandma and Grandpa Norstrom holding Joy. Fine by me :) Orlund, Twyla (his sister) and I sat in a different section. It was nice for a break from having to hold her during worship. Then Hugh brought her to us when worship was done. It was all great until the hockey game...

That's right the Olympics! Me! Canada vs USA, common who didn't watch? The only problem? it cut into my nap time... I got Joy down for her nap, but stayed up to watch the game, figured I'd get to bed an hour late~ that's okay. NOT they ended up going into overtime! So I headed to bed where I couldn't sleep, kept listening to Orlund's noises trying to figure out what was happening. Canada won GOLD! AWESOME! Missed that final shot :(. Still couldn't sleep. Joy got up and helped Daddy bake the cake, while I attempted to sleep. didn't. couldn't. sigh.

Cleaned the house and ate dinner while watching the closing ceremonies. Had small group people arrive, watched a bit more of the closing stuff then got on with our small group. It was good. as always. cake was yummy! Now it's 10pm and I'm heading to bed. yup. Gotta take Orlund to work and have a docs apt in the am. Good night all!