hey you all,
I have my other blog up and running now. Actually have had it for a bit and have already gone though major blogging, and now not so much. Here is the new address ~
Check it out :)
Monday, July 5, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Olivia is a good little sleeper. She usually only wakes up once in the night, then when Orlund's alarm goes off and then again around 9am. Joy is also a good sleeper. She sleeps from 7/8pm until usually 7:30/8am.
Tuesday Olivia actually napped when Joy and Grace went down. (silence ~ it was nice!). Well in the evening she needed to have a bm. So she was fussy most the night, Orlund even had to take over for me at I was to exhausted to handle it. She finally went to bed around 10:30pm. Woke up a couple extra times in the night and got up for the day at 7am.
So yesterday (Wednesday) was a good day. I didn't get out for a walk, that was due to Joy actually sleeping in until 9am. So once breaky was done it was to hot for a walk. We played in the back yard instead....is it a bad thing that I have so much fun drawing with chalk on the sidewalk?
Anyway, last night. Olivia went to bed then got up played, pooped and finally went down around 9:15pm. We had a good night she slept her usual sleep (better actually!) she got up around 5:30am and hasn't woke yet and it's 8am.
Grace just asked for a nap so I just put her down, but now I hear Joy is awake. Guess I'd better get this day going. The pictures are of Joy making 'mud pies' and my chalk drawings.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
So everyone these days seem to be blogging. Orlund got tired of his sister saying she wanted to blog but not setting one up, so when she was over on Sunday he set one up for her (I'll post the link once she posts something!). She announced it on Facebook that she was going to be blogging and one of her cousin's mentioned her blog address.. didn't know she blogged. So I checked her blog out. Awesome! she has a pair of ADORABLE little boys and posts A LOT of pictures. This blog is mostly for my rambling so I rarely post pictures.... but pictures are more interesting.... guess I'll have to start posting some more! I should ramble less and picture more, however I don't get much 'adult' interaction so this is my way of 'talking'... and I'm a talker... so sorry people for the lack of pictures, I'll try harder. I am also going to be switching my blog address soon, just setting it up at the moment. (I'll let you know when we switch over).
God bless!
God bless!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to any Dad's out there.
Here is how our Wonderful Father's day was spent.
Day 1 ~ Saturday. Okay not 'officially' father's day however we dedicated Saturday to spending the day as a family.
In the morning Orlund got up first and made waffles (okay so I should have made them but he's the bestest at it). I chopped up strawberries. fresh strawberries. from our garden. yummy. And we had some whipping cream (so we thought, turned out it was whipping topping ~ not as yummy). What a perfect start to the day! Orlund, Joy and myself sat down and ate while Olivia slept in.
After breakfast was cleaned up Joy and I decided it was time for gifts. So Joy oh so proudly marched over to Daddy to show him the beautiful card she made him. Then he unwrapped a 5qrt Crock pot (some gift you say? He wanted one). I gave him a Crock pot cook book.
We then got the girls dressed, made lunch and headed out to a local playground (in walking distance). It was the perfect day. Warm but not scorching, and just the slightest breeze. It was our first time to this playground and it was perfect, fenced in, shade, kid swings, a slide that Joy can climb up to all on her own. perfect. We enjoyed a picnic lunch while Joy played, occasionally running up for a bite to eat.
We headed home so Joy took a nap, and I cleaned the house while Orlund went grocery shopping. Joy woke up before Orlund returned so I chopped up some veggies and we had a little snack. Once Orlund returned we headed out to Walmart to purchase our Dad's Father day gifts.
After our shopping we headed to dinner. I didn't tell Orlund where we were going so I gave him directions and he kept guessing. We went to a local Sushi restraunt called 'Oya'. They have an all you can eat dinner for $24.95, and we LOVE sushi. It was the perfect surprise for him.
After filling our tummies we came home, put the kids to bed and enjoyed a quiet evening watching 'the office'.
Day 2~ Sunday. Church. Enjoyable although I was stuck in the nursery with Olivia the entire service. We came home to host a Father's day BBQ with our families. (well Orlund's parents and sister and my Dad). It was a scrumptious lunch (thanks Honey!). Then Twyla hung out with us until 6pm (when Joy got up from her nap!) making it a wonderful day!! It is now 7:30pm, Joy has just gone to bed. Olivia is playing with some toys. Orlund has gone out to get some milk and I am blogging.... The perfect end to the perfect weekend!
God bless all you Dad's out there! We need you, love you and appreciate you to no end!!
Here is how our Wonderful Father's day was spent.
Day 1 ~ Saturday. Okay not 'officially' father's day however we dedicated Saturday to spending the day as a family.
In the morning Orlund got up first and made waffles (okay so I should have made them but he's the bestest at it). I chopped up strawberries. fresh strawberries. from our garden. yummy. And we had some whipping cream (so we thought, turned out it was whipping topping ~ not as yummy). What a perfect start to the day! Orlund, Joy and myself sat down and ate while Olivia slept in.
After breakfast was cleaned up Joy and I decided it was time for gifts. So Joy oh so proudly marched over to Daddy to show him the beautiful card she made him. Then he unwrapped a 5qrt Crock pot (some gift you say? He wanted one). I gave him a Crock pot cook book.
We then got the girls dressed, made lunch and headed out to a local playground (in walking distance). It was the perfect day. Warm but not scorching, and just the slightest breeze. It was our first time to this playground and it was perfect, fenced in, shade, kid swings, a slide that Joy can climb up to all on her own. perfect. We enjoyed a picnic lunch while Joy played, occasionally running up for a bite to eat.
We headed home so Joy took a nap, and I cleaned the house while Orlund went grocery shopping. Joy woke up before Orlund returned so I chopped up some veggies and we had a little snack. Once Orlund returned we headed out to Walmart to purchase our Dad's Father day gifts.
After our shopping we headed to dinner. I didn't tell Orlund where we were going so I gave him directions and he kept guessing. We went to a local Sushi restraunt called 'Oya'. They have an all you can eat dinner for $24.95, and we LOVE sushi. It was the perfect surprise for him.
After filling our tummies we came home, put the kids to bed and enjoyed a quiet evening watching 'the office'.
Day 2~ Sunday. Church. Enjoyable although I was stuck in the nursery with Olivia the entire service. We came home to host a Father's day BBQ with our families. (well Orlund's parents and sister and my Dad). It was a scrumptious lunch (thanks Honey!). Then Twyla hung out with us until 6pm (when Joy got up from her nap!) making it a wonderful day!! It is now 7:30pm, Joy has just gone to bed. Olivia is playing with some toys. Orlund has gone out to get some milk and I am blogging.... The perfect end to the perfect weekend!
God bless all you Dad's out there! We need you, love you and appreciate you to no end!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday afternoon Orlund and I decided we should head out on a little walk. Usually on Sunday's we drive to the park and have fun on the playground. This Sunday however we decided to walk over to a small playground that's close to our home (never been before). Orlund was pushing Joy on her trike while I had Olivia in a stroller. It was windy (as our town usually is), but it was really windy. Joy and Olivia were already loaded up and excited to go. So I covered Olivia's stroller with a quilt and out we went. Joy's hat got blown off after about 5minutes, which I almost jumped onto the street to get! oops. As we rounded the second to last corner before the playground a huge gust of wind came up, it almost ripped the stroller out of my hands, we got sand blasted! It was awful! At least I wasn't worried because Olivia was covered. She let out a little cry but I figured it was because of the stroller rocking in the wind. We turned around and headed home.
After arriving home I took Olivia out of the stroller. I noticed some sand on her blanket (that was under the quilt). I shook it out, it was full of sand! I then looked closer at her, she had bits of sand all over her! So did Joy. I had to give them both a bath to get the sand off, and even then I kept finding more of it!! The walk wasn't even 10minutes long!!!
Guess I wont head out when it looks like it'll be getting windier. Just to much sand!
After arriving home I took Olivia out of the stroller. I noticed some sand on her blanket (that was under the quilt). I shook it out, it was full of sand! I then looked closer at her, she had bits of sand all over her! So did Joy. I had to give them both a bath to get the sand off, and even then I kept finding more of it!! The walk wasn't even 10minutes long!!!
Guess I wont head out when it looks like it'll be getting windier. Just to much sand!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Today is shaping up to be a good day. I'm getting to have a lot of those, these days. I like it :)
Yesterday it was raining so instead of going for a walk I did a dance video and hula hooped. It was good.
Today I got the 3 girls ready and headed out for our walk. It was good. Grace showed up in a sundress (it's cold out) so I had to put a pair of Joy's pants on her and one of her jackets. They were both a bit short but did the job. Now the girls are just eating lunch and I hear Olivia has woken up (just in time for the others to nap).
Tomorrow Orlund's parents are coming over for a visit, it's been a while. which means I have a bunch of stuff I want to get done today...... hopefully Grace gets picked up early so that I can do some of it (like vacuuming). Tomorrow is also Olivia and my 8 week postpartum checkup. And Olivia's first shots...gulp... Joy's sleeping habits changed every time she got shots and would stay that way until her next ones. Olivia sleeps GREAT, so I'm a little frightened that she'll stop sleeping so good.... oh well she needs the shots.
God bless you all, hope you have a wonderful day!
Yesterday it was raining so instead of going for a walk I did a dance video and hula hooped. It was good.
Today I got the 3 girls ready and headed out for our walk. It was good. Grace showed up in a sundress (it's cold out) so I had to put a pair of Joy's pants on her and one of her jackets. They were both a bit short but did the job. Now the girls are just eating lunch and I hear Olivia has woken up (just in time for the others to nap).
Tomorrow Orlund's parents are coming over for a visit, it's been a while. which means I have a bunch of stuff I want to get done today...... hopefully Grace gets picked up early so that I can do some of it (like vacuuming). Tomorrow is also Olivia and my 8 week postpartum checkup. And Olivia's first shots...gulp... Joy's sleeping habits changed every time she got shots and would stay that way until her next ones. Olivia sleeps GREAT, so I'm a little frightened that she'll stop sleeping so good.... oh well she needs the shots.
God bless you all, hope you have a wonderful day!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Cats Cats Cats
I love cats.
I am a cat person.
Correction ~ I love MY cats.
Growing up we had cats, outdoor cats. They kept the other cats away (and we lived in the country). then once we moved to town our cat was an indoor/outdoor cat. She also kept the other cats away, she ruled the neighborhood.
Got married. Had mice. Got cat. She was indoor/outdoor. good. Owl got cat. bad. mice return. Got another cat ~ Tipsy.
She's a weird weird cat. Wont jump, climb or do most anything normal cats do. We want her to be indoor/outdoor, however she wont poop anywhere but in the kitty litter. And when we let her outside, she can't get out of the backyard when the gate is closed. So she doesn't keep cats away. There are so many cats in this neighborhood it's not funny! They all used my front flower bed as a litter box over the winter. We decided to fill it in with rocks. Done. Now they poop on my front lawn. Annoyed. I don't even know how many cats there are, but there are a lot. This morning when I rounded the corner onto our street I saw 6 cats all perched on a fence, within an approx 10foot stretch of fence. And I can think of at least 5 more cats that I've seen that weren't apart of this 'cat meeting'. CRAZY!
I love my cat.
I hate cat poop.
I am a cat person.
Correction ~ I love MY cats.
Growing up we had cats, outdoor cats. They kept the other cats away (and we lived in the country). then once we moved to town our cat was an indoor/outdoor cat. She also kept the other cats away, she ruled the neighborhood.
Got married. Had mice. Got cat. She was indoor/outdoor. good. Owl got cat. bad. mice return. Got another cat ~ Tipsy.
She's a weird weird cat. Wont jump, climb or do most anything normal cats do. We want her to be indoor/outdoor, however she wont poop anywhere but in the kitty litter. And when we let her outside, she can't get out of the backyard when the gate is closed. So she doesn't keep cats away. There are so many cats in this neighborhood it's not funny! They all used my front flower bed as a litter box over the winter. We decided to fill it in with rocks. Done. Now they poop on my front lawn. Annoyed. I don't even know how many cats there are, but there are a lot. This morning when I rounded the corner onto our street I saw 6 cats all perched on a fence, within an approx 10foot stretch of fence. And I can think of at least 5 more cats that I've seen that weren't apart of this 'cat meeting'. CRAZY!
I love my cat.
I hate cat poop.
Growing up
Why do kids have to grow up so fast?
Today I headed out on my morning walk with Olivia, Joy and Joy's baby (which she pretend nursed more than half the way!). Olivia began fussing when we were half way, so I continued on until I came to the bench (there is only one bench along my walking path). I stopped, took her and Joy out, and tried to nurse her. Nope. Not hungry. Nope. Doesn't want to lay there and look at me. Nope. So what did she want? she wanted to sit up and look around. I loaded the girls back into the stroller this time putting Olivia's seat in the upright position. She was happy. I was worried. The seat only lays flat or sits upright, I didn't want her to tip over as she can't sit unassisted yet. I padded her in. The rest of the walk she was happy as could be. sigh. she's growing up way to fast.
Today I headed out on my morning walk with Olivia, Joy and Joy's baby (which she pretend nursed more than half the way!). Olivia began fussing when we were half way, so I continued on until I came to the bench (there is only one bench along my walking path). I stopped, took her and Joy out, and tried to nurse her. Nope. Not hungry. Nope. Doesn't want to lay there and look at me. Nope. So what did she want? she wanted to sit up and look around. I loaded the girls back into the stroller this time putting Olivia's seat in the upright position. She was happy. I was worried. The seat only lays flat or sits upright, I didn't want her to tip over as she can't sit unassisted yet. I padded her in. The rest of the walk she was happy as could be. sigh. she's growing up way to fast.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Good day
Today was another good day. Yippee! I like good days.
If you had of stopped by my Dad's garage sale you would have been greeted by the cutest smile and a big hearty "Hi!" from my adorable daughter Joy. Then as you pull your car out onto the street she would have happily waved and said "bye bye". What a day. She melts my heart when she comes up to me "Mommy mommy" grabbing my leg then running (once she's sure I'm following) over to her Poppa to show me she wants a hot dog. melt. she's communicating.
Olivia has started to communicate as well (other than crying), she smiles when you look in her eyes and now coos and caws with excitement. melt.
I love being a mom.
Tonight. being a mom is exhausting. but I still love it. Both the girls have been screaming for the past 40minutes (Olivia a bit longer). I don't know what's wrong with either one. Daddy finally gave Joy some tylenol and she's now quiet. Daddy also has taken over snuggling Olivia and singing softly to her. I was snuggling her but I have a bad back and well, it's killing me! Thank you honey! You are AWESOME! Daddy is suggesting that us girls stay home from Church in the morning ~ I hate to miss it, but it just might be what we need to do. guess we will see how the night goes.
Guess it's my turn again with Olivia.... Please pray for a peaceful night......
If you had of stopped by my Dad's garage sale you would have been greeted by the cutest smile and a big hearty "Hi!" from my adorable daughter Joy. Then as you pull your car out onto the street she would have happily waved and said "bye bye". What a day. She melts my heart when she comes up to me "Mommy mommy" grabbing my leg then running (once she's sure I'm following) over to her Poppa to show me she wants a hot dog. melt. she's communicating.
Olivia has started to communicate as well (other than crying), she smiles when you look in her eyes and now coos and caws with excitement. melt.
I love being a mom.
Tonight. being a mom is exhausting. but I still love it. Both the girls have been screaming for the past 40minutes (Olivia a bit longer). I don't know what's wrong with either one. Daddy finally gave Joy some tylenol and she's now quiet. Daddy also has taken over snuggling Olivia and singing softly to her. I was snuggling her but I have a bad back and well, it's killing me! Thank you honey! You are AWESOME! Daddy is suggesting that us girls stay home from Church in the morning ~ I hate to miss it, but it just might be what we need to do. guess we will see how the night goes.
Guess it's my turn again with Olivia.... Please pray for a peaceful night......
Friday, June 4, 2010
couple minutes
Hello all! Sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. Like I mentioned in my previous blog I think of something to write every single day, sometimes more than once! But I never get to the computer fast enough before it disappears (the idea that is, not the computer).
One day last weekend I was feeling really blue. so I wanted to blog about it. But I didn't. Then when I finally decided I should sit down and blog about it, well I wasn't so down and couldn't remember what I wanted to talk about. ugh.
My mom left last Sunday. pout. I'm going to miss her, actually I already do! I miss being able to just pick up the phone and call her. (Remember she lives in Thailand). I think that had something to do with my 'blue' day. Along with some baby blues thrown in there.
I'm working hard on ensuring I get out and walk every single day. A good lap around Mac Park. Yup it's a long walk (especially when it's HOT out ~ luckily it's been cooler). It was a real struggle this week to get out everyday. Once I'm out I enjoy it, but it sure was difficult to get out. Tuesday I wasn't sure if I could get my butt out the door (I had the daycare girl too), but then my girlfriend Leah called and wanted to join us on our walk ~ that got me out the door. (Thanks Leah!).
I've been trying to get my house cleaned. I have/had a few big jobs to do, along with everyday cleaning. I needed to 1) dust all the blinds + wash the inside of the windows 2) clean and organize the green room (my craft room~yikes!) 3) go through clothing and box/unbox stuff (maternity etc) 4) get the playroom/tv room downstairs organized.
Thursday was a good day. I not only got the house ship shape, I got item #1 and#2 done (#2 is about 90% done but all that is left is organizing my craft stuff in my new craft 'desk'). I got a bunch of stuff done in the playroom as well. It was a good day. I needed that.
Today, Friday, I loaded the kids into Leah's car (with Leah) and we headed to Kelowna. Leah needed to apply for her passport so we drove down, and took in a quick shopping trip. By the time we got there (she worked until 9:30am) we only had 1 hour to shop! However luckily we both wanted to hit up one store in particular (sell good, cheap jeans), so we spent our hour there before loading up the kids again and heading home.. quick trip but we'll take a longer one soon (I hope). It was another good day. Thank you again Leah :)
Tomorrow I am heading out Dad's, their 'town' is having a giant garage sale so I'm going to help him out. It's going to be a good day.
Well now you are caught up :) I'll have to get some good stories on here about the kids. I promise. It's 11pm so time to hit the sack...... I'm already in my PJ's. Good night! God bless!
One day last weekend I was feeling really blue. so I wanted to blog about it. But I didn't. Then when I finally decided I should sit down and blog about it, well I wasn't so down and couldn't remember what I wanted to talk about. ugh.
My mom left last Sunday. pout. I'm going to miss her, actually I already do! I miss being able to just pick up the phone and call her. (Remember she lives in Thailand). I think that had something to do with my 'blue' day. Along with some baby blues thrown in there.
I'm working hard on ensuring I get out and walk every single day. A good lap around Mac Park. Yup it's a long walk (especially when it's HOT out ~ luckily it's been cooler). It was a real struggle this week to get out everyday. Once I'm out I enjoy it, but it sure was difficult to get out. Tuesday I wasn't sure if I could get my butt out the door (I had the daycare girl too), but then my girlfriend Leah called and wanted to join us on our walk ~ that got me out the door. (Thanks Leah!).
I've been trying to get my house cleaned. I have/had a few big jobs to do, along with everyday cleaning. I needed to 1) dust all the blinds + wash the inside of the windows 2) clean and organize the green room (my craft room~yikes!) 3) go through clothing and box/unbox stuff (maternity etc) 4) get the playroom/tv room downstairs organized.
Thursday was a good day. I not only got the house ship shape, I got item #1 and#2 done (#2 is about 90% done but all that is left is organizing my craft stuff in my new craft 'desk'). I got a bunch of stuff done in the playroom as well. It was a good day. I needed that.
Today, Friday, I loaded the kids into Leah's car (with Leah) and we headed to Kelowna. Leah needed to apply for her passport so we drove down, and took in a quick shopping trip. By the time we got there (she worked until 9:30am) we only had 1 hour to shop! However luckily we both wanted to hit up one store in particular (sell good, cheap jeans), so we spent our hour there before loading up the kids again and heading home.. quick trip but we'll take a longer one soon (I hope). It was another good day. Thank you again Leah :)
Tomorrow I am heading out Dad's, their 'town' is having a giant garage sale so I'm going to help him out. It's going to be a good day.
Well now you are caught up :) I'll have to get some good stories on here about the kids. I promise. It's 11pm so time to hit the sack...... I'm already in my PJ's. Good night! God bless!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
So it's been a little while and I have thought of story after story to post...haven't posted any... and in true 'Jenn style' at this moment I can't remember any of them!
We just had Joy's birthday party this past Friday, I'll make that a separate post just about that.
This post is just rambling (what's new?).
So you may ask me how I am adjusting to being a mom of two adorable little girls...
Sure I am busy. Not only am I concentrating on raising the girls but also with furthering who I am as a mother, wife and person. I am trying to keep on top of the house, as in cleaning etc. I think I'm doing pretty darn good! I'm doing better than I was a year ago with just one child! (Or at least I think so, you'd probably have to ask my husband if it's true).
The list of chores never ends, as it never does for any mom out there. On my list of usual chores, I have laundry (couple more loads to go), washing the inside of the windows, dusting this house (base boards and all need it!), The oven needs a good scrub down, along with the interior of the fridge. I noticed the other day the top of my cupboards in the kitchen need a dusting as well. There is bathing the kids and keeping the house in order. I also am mid stream of cleaning the bedroom. Since having Olivia it has been to easy to just let a pile of stuff accumulate beside the bed, on the dressers and basically everywhere in the bedroom. I only have the vanity left to clean off. Then I need to go through my dresser and closet clearing out the maternity clothes and then going through the boxes I have packed unpacking the clothing that might actually fit me.
Every day I have been getting out and walking. Probably about 5km everyday (I don't actually know how far it is). I feel alive! I LOVE walking! I want to start hula hooping as well, I have the hoop. Just need to figure out when to do the work. Getting out and walking wears the girls out and gives them fresh air while I get exercise and some quiet time (usually they are quiet). I enjoy it. It gives me time to think, gets me out of the house and gets me energized for the rest of the day. I'm not an exercise person, however I am determined to lose this baby flub. So for now it's walking and then hula hooping and perhaps when it gets to hot or to rainy I'll do my exercise videos (or perhaps while the kids nap I'll do them anyway).
Well that's enough rambling for this post.
God Bless you all!
So it's been a little while and I have thought of story after story to post...haven't posted any... and in true 'Jenn style' at this moment I can't remember any of them!
We just had Joy's birthday party this past Friday, I'll make that a separate post just about that.
This post is just rambling (what's new?).
So you may ask me how I am adjusting to being a mom of two adorable little girls...
Sure I am busy. Not only am I concentrating on raising the girls but also with furthering who I am as a mother, wife and person. I am trying to keep on top of the house, as in cleaning etc. I think I'm doing pretty darn good! I'm doing better than I was a year ago with just one child! (Or at least I think so, you'd probably have to ask my husband if it's true).
The list of chores never ends, as it never does for any mom out there. On my list of usual chores, I have laundry (couple more loads to go), washing the inside of the windows, dusting this house (base boards and all need it!), The oven needs a good scrub down, along with the interior of the fridge. I noticed the other day the top of my cupboards in the kitchen need a dusting as well. There is bathing the kids and keeping the house in order. I also am mid stream of cleaning the bedroom. Since having Olivia it has been to easy to just let a pile of stuff accumulate beside the bed, on the dressers and basically everywhere in the bedroom. I only have the vanity left to clean off. Then I need to go through my dresser and closet clearing out the maternity clothes and then going through the boxes I have packed unpacking the clothing that might actually fit me.
Every day I have been getting out and walking. Probably about 5km everyday (I don't actually know how far it is). I feel alive! I LOVE walking! I want to start hula hooping as well, I have the hoop. Just need to figure out when to do the work. Getting out and walking wears the girls out and gives them fresh air while I get exercise and some quiet time (usually they are quiet). I enjoy it. It gives me time to think, gets me out of the house and gets me energized for the rest of the day. I'm not an exercise person, however I am determined to lose this baby flub. So for now it's walking and then hula hooping and perhaps when it gets to hot or to rainy I'll do my exercise videos (or perhaps while the kids nap I'll do them anyway).
Well that's enough rambling for this post.
God Bless you all!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Lesson learned?
So. I'm busy. Yup. Busy.
I have a list (you know me, lists keep me sane). And I'm working on it. slowly. I don't think there is any other speed with a new born and toddler at home (with an additional sassy toddler 2 days of the week).
I not only have a list of things I need to get done, however I have goals in mind. Goals of the person, mother, wife, woman I want to be. Goals of my relationship with God. Goals for my marriage. Goals for how my house will be. Just lots of goals, plans and adventures.
For the past few years I've felt like I've been sucked into a 'hole' of just doing but not being awake. I was at a woman's conference and the speaker mentioned that perhaps some of us are just talking in our sleep and not fully awake. Once our feet hit the floor when we are awake we know what we are doing and where we are headed....I don't feel like I know where I'm going, I'm not fully awake. But now I know it! And I'm going to change it. And just since having Olivia I feel like God has helped wake me up! It feels like a breath of fresh air! I'm excited to see who I'll be once I wake up.
I learned a lesson today... Baking Peanut butter cookies, cooking macaroni, nursing a baby and watching the toddlers aren't good to do at the same time! Over cooked the macaroni and burnt the cookies.... OOPS! oh well, I tried!
I know this post jumps around a bit...just tid bits of thoughts as I head off to bed.
Good Night all!
God Bless you!
I have a list (you know me, lists keep me sane). And I'm working on it. slowly. I don't think there is any other speed with a new born and toddler at home (with an additional sassy toddler 2 days of the week).
I not only have a list of things I need to get done, however I have goals in mind. Goals of the person, mother, wife, woman I want to be. Goals of my relationship with God. Goals for my marriage. Goals for how my house will be. Just lots of goals, plans and adventures.
For the past few years I've felt like I've been sucked into a 'hole' of just doing but not being awake. I was at a woman's conference and the speaker mentioned that perhaps some of us are just talking in our sleep and not fully awake. Once our feet hit the floor when we are awake we know what we are doing and where we are headed....I don't feel like I know where I'm going, I'm not fully awake. But now I know it! And I'm going to change it. And just since having Olivia I feel like God has helped wake me up! It feels like a breath of fresh air! I'm excited to see who I'll be once I wake up.
I learned a lesson today... Baking Peanut butter cookies, cooking macaroni, nursing a baby and watching the toddlers aren't good to do at the same time! Over cooked the macaroni and burnt the cookies.... OOPS! oh well, I tried!
I know this post jumps around a bit...just tid bits of thoughts as I head off to bed.
Good Night all!
God Bless you!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
She's here!!
April 12th, 2010 @ 10:47pm Olivia Margaret joined us on the outside.
Sorry it's taken this long to update! I've updated everything else, just didn't have a chance to come on here yet. Olivia is laying on the couch next to me working out some gas bubbles, she's so cute!!
I'll be posting her birth story when I get a chance. We are doing great (a little sore), and she's breastfeeding like a champ!
Here is a picture of our newest little princess!
I'll be posting her birth story when I get a chance. We are doing great (a little sore), and she's breastfeeding like a champ!
Here is a picture of our newest little princess!

Friday, April 9, 2010
Update #2 and stuff.
How far along? 39 weeks 6 days (yup due TOMORROW)
Total weight gain/loss? up 1Kg from last update, still less than with Joy :)
Maternity clothes? Yeah, like 3 shirts... getting bored of them!
Stretch marks? I am pretty sure I have some more, but they are under the bump so I can't see them.
Sleep? Nope... Had a little during my 'nap' today but not much at all.
Best moment since last update? My mom is home :)
Movement? Still as strong as ever.
Food cravings? Milk, Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate.....Oh and Chocolate :) ~ hasn't changed.
Gender? Yet to be discovered.
Baby Size (based on height of fundus)? Right on target.
Labor Signs? Cramping, the odd contraction, Braxton Hicks, Pressure.
Belly Button in or out? Both, mostly In, but sometimes baby pushes it out.
What I miss? SUSHI!!!!!! Yup hasn't changed much! But I REALLY miss sleeping on my tummy!!!
What I am looking forward to? This baby coming out! Lets get this show on the road. Also for me to not be sick, Joy to be done teething and not be sick, and sleeping on my tummy ;)
Weekly Wisdom? Nap as often as possible. If you can't nap just laying down and relaxing supposedly is the same.
Milestones? hmmmm...... I'M DONE! Come on baby you are done cooking lets play!
So I had a doctors apt today. At the last apt I asked if he would do an internal exam to see how things were going. Nope. Will only do that if doing a Membrane sweep. Told me to just tell him at the next apt. So Today I was going to get it done, then I woke up with a sore throat and just feeling blah. There is only a small chance that I would/could go into labour, however I figured with me and Joy both being sick it might not be the best to rush things. However I figured I'd ask and if the doc said he thought it was a good idea I'd go for it.... I think he'd completely forgot about it! So when I mentioned it (and that I was sick) he jumped on the 'better wait till you are better' wagon. So that's it. No internal. No info. He asked when I was due (was just going to look it up on chart) I said Tomorrow. He responded with "so you going to keep me busy on Saturday eh?" I said "I hope so!". lol. Here's to hoping!
I Hope and Pray that I have a fabulous sleep tonight and feel 100% in the morning. Joy gets the rest she needs and is 100% in the morning. Then around 9am I start labor. I keep busy, get the house clean. Then have the baby early/late afternoon (however still feel rested). Wouldn't that just be perfect?????? Oh and nice and 'easy' labor? ;)
God Bless hope I have pics to post soon of the little one!
Total weight gain/loss? up 1Kg from last update, still less than with Joy :)
Maternity clothes? Yeah, like 3 shirts... getting bored of them!
Stretch marks? I am pretty sure I have some more, but they are under the bump so I can't see them.
Sleep? Nope... Had a little during my 'nap' today but not much at all.
Best moment since last update? My mom is home :)
Movement? Still as strong as ever.
Food cravings? Milk, Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate.....Oh and Chocolate :) ~ hasn't changed.
Gender? Yet to be discovered.
Baby Size (based on height of fundus)? Right on target.
Labor Signs? Cramping, the odd contraction, Braxton Hicks, Pressure.
Belly Button in or out? Both, mostly In, but sometimes baby pushes it out.
What I miss? SUSHI!!!!!! Yup hasn't changed much! But I REALLY miss sleeping on my tummy!!!
What I am looking forward to? This baby coming out! Lets get this show on the road. Also for me to not be sick, Joy to be done teething and not be sick, and sleeping on my tummy ;)
Weekly Wisdom? Nap as often as possible. If you can't nap just laying down and relaxing supposedly is the same.
Milestones? hmmmm...... I'M DONE! Come on baby you are done cooking lets play!
So I had a doctors apt today. At the last apt I asked if he would do an internal exam to see how things were going. Nope. Will only do that if doing a Membrane sweep. Told me to just tell him at the next apt. So Today I was going to get it done, then I woke up with a sore throat and just feeling blah. There is only a small chance that I would/could go into labour, however I figured with me and Joy both being sick it might not be the best to rush things. However I figured I'd ask and if the doc said he thought it was a good idea I'd go for it.... I think he'd completely forgot about it! So when I mentioned it (and that I was sick) he jumped on the 'better wait till you are better' wagon. So that's it. No internal. No info. He asked when I was due (was just going to look it up on chart) I said Tomorrow. He responded with "so you going to keep me busy on Saturday eh?" I said "I hope so!". lol. Here's to hoping!
I Hope and Pray that I have a fabulous sleep tonight and feel 100% in the morning. Joy gets the rest she needs and is 100% in the morning. Then around 9am I start labor. I keep busy, get the house clean. Then have the baby early/late afternoon (however still feel rested). Wouldn't that just be perfect?????? Oh and nice and 'easy' labor? ;)
God Bless hope I have pics to post soon of the little one!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Mom is probably fast asleep right now on the airplane :) That's right, tomorrow evening my mom arrives in Canada :) I'm excited!!! I can't wait until MONDAY!!!! 'cause Monday mom and dad are coming to spend the day with us :) I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just thought I'd let you all know :)
Sooooooo, Monday will probably be spent walking and working on getting this baby out :) LOL.
God bless you all!!
Sooooooo, Monday will probably be spent walking and working on getting this baby out :) LOL.
God bless you all!!
Friday, April 2, 2010
soonish right?
Besides my doctor being confused about whether I'll be early or late having this baby I fell ready.
My mom fly's home Sunday night. that's in two sleeps. So three more sleeps before I 'officially' want this baby out. I feel like I could jump start labour at any time......but I can't test that theory out just yet.
Today Orlund was home from work (Good Friday) so we decided to head out and do some shopping. We went to a craft store to pick up some supplies I need for birth announcements, then headed over to a hardware store to get some plumbing supplies. Yes nothing like having a broken toilet when there's a 9month pregnant lady in the house (Luckily we have another washroom on the same level). Orlund also needed his watch repaired so we headed over to a jewelry store. However after all the walking from the two previous stops I was done. Tired. Exhausted. Contracting. Not real contractions, but uncomfortable ones. So Joy and I stayed in the car while he ran in, then we sat at a coffee shop next door while they fixed the watch (just strap replacement). Orlund headed back to the store while Joy and I finished up our muffin and drinks, I started to get really uncomfortable, so we joined him at the other store just as he was paying. On the way home I was shifting my weight and occasionally groaning so Orlund asked if I was having real contractions. nope. just can't move enough to get rid of them.
When we got home we weren't hungry so I put Joy down for her nap and snuggled in for mine. After only 40ish minutes of me actually sleeping I had to use the washroom, then I couldn't fall back asleep. And of course today Joy decided to sleep for 3hours instead of 2....so here I am up and she's down (she just woke up but hasn't called us yet).
I'm Exhausted! Can't sleep at night, can't sleep for naps..... I sure pray and hope that I get a few good nights/naps in before baby arrives.
Well 3 more sleeps and we will see if we can get things going. It's exciting to think about a newborn, also exhausting to think of all the work (it's worth it though)...... fun times fun times.
Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Easter weekend!
God Bless.
My mom fly's home Sunday night. that's in two sleeps. So three more sleeps before I 'officially' want this baby out. I feel like I could jump start labour at any time......but I can't test that theory out just yet.
Today Orlund was home from work (Good Friday) so we decided to head out and do some shopping. We went to a craft store to pick up some supplies I need for birth announcements, then headed over to a hardware store to get some plumbing supplies. Yes nothing like having a broken toilet when there's a 9month pregnant lady in the house (Luckily we have another washroom on the same level). Orlund also needed his watch repaired so we headed over to a jewelry store. However after all the walking from the two previous stops I was done. Tired. Exhausted. Contracting. Not real contractions, but uncomfortable ones. So Joy and I stayed in the car while he ran in, then we sat at a coffee shop next door while they fixed the watch (just strap replacement). Orlund headed back to the store while Joy and I finished up our muffin and drinks, I started to get really uncomfortable, so we joined him at the other store just as he was paying. On the way home I was shifting my weight and occasionally groaning so Orlund asked if I was having real contractions. nope. just can't move enough to get rid of them.
When we got home we weren't hungry so I put Joy down for her nap and snuggled in for mine. After only 40ish minutes of me actually sleeping I had to use the washroom, then I couldn't fall back asleep. And of course today Joy decided to sleep for 3hours instead of 2....so here I am up and she's down (she just woke up but hasn't called us yet).
I'm Exhausted! Can't sleep at night, can't sleep for naps..... I sure pray and hope that I get a few good nights/naps in before baby arrives.
Well 3 more sleeps and we will see if we can get things going. It's exciting to think about a newborn, also exhausting to think of all the work (it's worth it though)...... fun times fun times.
Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Easter weekend!
God Bless.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Well I've already written about how bored I am waiting for baby to arrive. However I've come to a realization. I'm boring. That's right. I'm boring to talk to! I've always been a chatter box, however now what do I always talk about? Pregnancy. Babies. Daycare. That's it. Boring.
Sure most my friends now are at the same stage in life as me. Having kids etc. And all mom's like to talk about their kids. But it comes to a point when you get bored talking about that. I'm longing for adult conversation that doesn't include just kid stuff.
Orlund and I were discussing this very topic last night. I need a hobby (or hobbies). Sure I do scrap booking, card making, cross stitching etc however those aren't the kind of hobbies you can really talk about ~ not for more than a minute or two anyway. I need other 'hobbies'. Even just different things around the house. Like "I'm painting such and such a room" or "I'm growing a garden" etc etc, things that people can ask about, or you can even get suggestions from them about. I love hearing about what everyone else is doing so try to get them to talk, however usually eventually the conversation comes to you, and if you aren't doing any of that stuff there isn't much to talk about.
So you might be wondering what do I have up my sleeve for hobbies around the house? Well........ I'm working on that. Right now I'm going to just stick with getting my house ready for this baby, nothing but basic cleaning etc. However this summer we are going to try to grow a garden. And I need to keep on top of my flower bed out front. Those are a couple things. Orlund and I also want to build a thing out front to keep people/vehicles off our lawn (bricks, plants etc). I would LOVE to repaint our fence too. However I'd only want to do the 'outside' of it because on the inside there are bushes and sheds etc to go around (much more work). The entire fence needs to be cleaned then painted, it'll be a big job and probably not one we can afford to do this year.
Other than those few things I don't have much planned. I do plan to go for a walk every single day (rain or shine), however that's not really something you can talk about. I think I'm going to have to get my mom to help me pick out a few other things. This is when I miss going to work, talking with the public etc. I wouldn't trade being a stay at home mom, however I do need that adult interaction. My mom told me to make sure I got out and got some, however it didn't sink in how true that is until this past week or so.
Sure most my friends now are at the same stage in life as me. Having kids etc. And all mom's like to talk about their kids. But it comes to a point when you get bored talking about that. I'm longing for adult conversation that doesn't include just kid stuff.
Orlund and I were discussing this very topic last night. I need a hobby (or hobbies). Sure I do scrap booking, card making, cross stitching etc however those aren't the kind of hobbies you can really talk about ~ not for more than a minute or two anyway. I need other 'hobbies'. Even just different things around the house. Like "I'm painting such and such a room" or "I'm growing a garden" etc etc, things that people can ask about, or you can even get suggestions from them about. I love hearing about what everyone else is doing so try to get them to talk, however usually eventually the conversation comes to you, and if you aren't doing any of that stuff there isn't much to talk about.
So you might be wondering what do I have up my sleeve for hobbies around the house? Well........ I'm working on that. Right now I'm going to just stick with getting my house ready for this baby, nothing but basic cleaning etc. However this summer we are going to try to grow a garden. And I need to keep on top of my flower bed out front. Those are a couple things. Orlund and I also want to build a thing out front to keep people/vehicles off our lawn (bricks, plants etc). I would LOVE to repaint our fence too. However I'd only want to do the 'outside' of it because on the inside there are bushes and sheds etc to go around (much more work). The entire fence needs to be cleaned then painted, it'll be a big job and probably not one we can afford to do this year.
Other than those few things I don't have much planned. I do plan to go for a walk every single day (rain or shine), however that's not really something you can talk about. I think I'm going to have to get my mom to help me pick out a few other things. This is when I miss going to work, talking with the public etc. I wouldn't trade being a stay at home mom, however I do need that adult interaction. My mom told me to make sure I got out and got some, however it didn't sink in how true that is until this past week or so.
Getting a little scared.
So while my doctor predicts baby to be early, and I have no idea when she or he will arrive and it's gotten me thinking about labour.
I remember in the earlier stages of Labor describing the pain to my husband. So I remember what I said clearly. However I don't actually remember the pain! I remember being in a lot of pain, and that I loved the pushing phase (and oxygen) but the pain is all but gone really. I remember thinking weeks after I'll never forget the pain. But I have. I do recall that as soon as baby is out the pain fades from your mind and it's instantly over (the pain). So at least I can look forward to that.
In the mean time I know that as soon as I get my first few 'real' contractions I'll probably have a flash back of the pain and recall it all. I'm slightly scared that when that happens I'll become scared of the pain etc. I'm praying that when it happens I'll actually be strong and say it wasn't so bad..... Either way, I've done it before, I can do it again! That's my motto and I'm going to do the best to stick with it! I have had one real contraction, it was just enough that I went "that was real" however I didn't have any following so I didn't recall the pain aspect.
I tried to tell Orlund about my fears. He understands, however I feel alone in the worry. He is awesome and a great support (and during Labour was amazing), however he doesn't have to endure the pain, only I can do that. I'm just going to keep giving myself pep talks and pray I don't wimp out!
ps~ I love reading other peoples birth stories, while reading some I started to think an epidural sounds like 'heaven' (so long as all goes smoothly). With Joy I knew 100% I didn't want one, so the thought of being open to one shocked me. Well then I watched a video on how they put an epidural in..............................................I HATE needles................................I now am 100% positive I don't want one this time either! lol.
I remember in the earlier stages of Labor describing the pain to my husband. So I remember what I said clearly. However I don't actually remember the pain! I remember being in a lot of pain, and that I loved the pushing phase (and oxygen) but the pain is all but gone really. I remember thinking weeks after I'll never forget the pain. But I have. I do recall that as soon as baby is out the pain fades from your mind and it's instantly over (the pain). So at least I can look forward to that.
In the mean time I know that as soon as I get my first few 'real' contractions I'll probably have a flash back of the pain and recall it all. I'm slightly scared that when that happens I'll become scared of the pain etc. I'm praying that when it happens I'll actually be strong and say it wasn't so bad..... Either way, I've done it before, I can do it again! That's my motto and I'm going to do the best to stick with it! I have had one real contraction, it was just enough that I went "that was real" however I didn't have any following so I didn't recall the pain aspect.
I tried to tell Orlund about my fears. He understands, however I feel alone in the worry. He is awesome and a great support (and during Labour was amazing), however he doesn't have to endure the pain, only I can do that. I'm just going to keep giving myself pep talks and pray I don't wimp out!
ps~ I love reading other peoples birth stories, while reading some I started to think an epidural sounds like 'heaven' (so long as all goes smoothly). With Joy I knew 100% I didn't want one, so the thought of being open to one shocked me. Well then I watched a video on how they put an epidural in..............................................I HATE needles................................I now am 100% positive I don't want one this time either! lol.
power of suggestion?
It's amazing how things can or cannot happen just do to the power of suggestion. So as my last post updated you all, Baby had dropped some and Doc predicted baby to come early.
Well the next evening I talked to my mom online and we joked around how my Doctor predicted Joy to be early and she was 10 days late! However she hadn't dropped and I didn't have any of these discomforts. I told her I'd keep baby in till she arrived...
Apparently though I couldn't get what the doctor said out of my head.... That night shortly after Orlund had fallen into a deep sleep I started to get contractions. I knew they weren't the 'real' deal however they hurt, were regular so got my mind going! It didn't take long before I almost felt like I was in a state of panic! I don't want this baby to come out so close to mom getting home. I finally decided I couldn't take the contractions (just very uncomfortable) so got up out of bed and took a little walk around the house. It was a still night, with pale blue moon light filtering through the closed blinds. I circled through the upstairs a few times, pausing here and there to think. The cramping went away and I was able to think clearly. This baby is going to come when it wants to, when the Lord sees fit and I don't really have any say in that. What is the point in stressing over something I can't control? After I had a little pep talk with myself I headed back to bed. As I snuggled in Orlund rolled over and asked if everything was okay, yes it is now.
Since my pep talk I've been feeling GREAT! I even went for a short walk with my Girlfriend last night and didn't end up being worn out or crampy. It's amazing how the power of suggestion can make your body do things. So I've relaxed and while yes I'm still going to take things easy, I'm not going to stress. Stress after all isn't good for this little one growing inside me. Although since I've been feeling so good again I'm starting to feel this baby might come late!
God Bless.
Well the next evening I talked to my mom online and we joked around how my Doctor predicted Joy to be early and she was 10 days late! However she hadn't dropped and I didn't have any of these discomforts. I told her I'd keep baby in till she arrived...
Apparently though I couldn't get what the doctor said out of my head.... That night shortly after Orlund had fallen into a deep sleep I started to get contractions. I knew they weren't the 'real' deal however they hurt, were regular so got my mind going! It didn't take long before I almost felt like I was in a state of panic! I don't want this baby to come out so close to mom getting home. I finally decided I couldn't take the contractions (just very uncomfortable) so got up out of bed and took a little walk around the house. It was a still night, with pale blue moon light filtering through the closed blinds. I circled through the upstairs a few times, pausing here and there to think. The cramping went away and I was able to think clearly. This baby is going to come when it wants to, when the Lord sees fit and I don't really have any say in that. What is the point in stressing over something I can't control? After I had a little pep talk with myself I headed back to bed. As I snuggled in Orlund rolled over and asked if everything was okay, yes it is now.
Since my pep talk I've been feeling GREAT! I even went for a short walk with my Girlfriend last night and didn't end up being worn out or crampy. It's amazing how the power of suggestion can make your body do things. So I've relaxed and while yes I'm still going to take things easy, I'm not going to stress. Stress after all isn't good for this little one growing inside me. Although since I've been feeling so good again I'm starting to feel this baby might come late!
God Bless.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Sooner than we thought?
So today was my doctors apt. I don't know if it was for my 37weeks or 38weeks. I'm 38 weeks tomorrow, so I assume it's the 38week one.
I have been feeling alittle ill lately, with random cramping, Braxton Hicks and a few real contractions. I noticed after our walks on Tuesday and Thursday that the next day I felt drained and had more of all the noted above 'symptoms' and extra pressure down there.
The doctor did my heart rate ~ perfect. Then measured my tummy, "you've dropped some" he said! WHAT!?!?!? REALLY???? "Looks like things are moving along, could be any day now"... I looked down at my tummy and said "Not until April 5th, k?". The doctor looked at me and asked why "my mom comes home April 4th" I replied. "well if you want to make it that long you're going to have to spend more time on your back then your feet. And tell your mom to be on stand-by"... Well that's not really possible! lol. However I have decided to do my best to keep this baby baking!! So no more night walks with Orlund and Joy. I mean I can't get completely off my feet, however no extra walking etc for me. The doc also noted that babies head was no longer 'loose' down there but snug and in position.
So really it's exciting that this baby might be early. Also not so exciting! I want baby born between April 5th-10th, and I'm just praying the Lord see's that to be a fitting time frame too. I've always wanted an April baby and if I'm going to hold out till the 1st might as well make it to the 5th right? We are SO close to my mom being home I just want to make it till she is home. 9 sleeps, just 9 sleeps + 1 for her to rest ;)
That all being said I told Orlund. And although he agrees to try to keep baby in (letting it all go natural) he seemed to find the bumpiest roads on the way home, and took me out for dinner at a Mexican restaurant ~ one that I happen to LOVE their spicy sauce... I think he's wanting baby out!!
I also told him mom. She's so cute and so awesome :) Her labor for Orlund was around 12 hours, with her second, Twyla, it was from beginning to end only 45minutes!! So she's thinking/worrying that baby will come that fast. She's offered to watch Joy (+ Gracie) if need be, to take me to the hospital or what else we might need. She's such a help. And although I love her help, I hope we wont need to take her up on it to soon :)
Well there is my update for today.... now I need to go tend to a teething baby :(
God Bless,
and Please keep us in your "keep baby in till April 5th" prayers.
I have been feeling alittle ill lately, with random cramping, Braxton Hicks and a few real contractions. I noticed after our walks on Tuesday and Thursday that the next day I felt drained and had more of all the noted above 'symptoms' and extra pressure down there.
The doctor did my heart rate ~ perfect. Then measured my tummy, "you've dropped some" he said! WHAT!?!?!? REALLY???? "Looks like things are moving along, could be any day now"... I looked down at my tummy and said "Not until April 5th, k?". The doctor looked at me and asked why "my mom comes home April 4th" I replied. "well if you want to make it that long you're going to have to spend more time on your back then your feet. And tell your mom to be on stand-by"... Well that's not really possible! lol. However I have decided to do my best to keep this baby baking!! So no more night walks with Orlund and Joy. I mean I can't get completely off my feet, however no extra walking etc for me. The doc also noted that babies head was no longer 'loose' down there but snug and in position.
So really it's exciting that this baby might be early. Also not so exciting! I want baby born between April 5th-10th, and I'm just praying the Lord see's that to be a fitting time frame too. I've always wanted an April baby and if I'm going to hold out till the 1st might as well make it to the 5th right? We are SO close to my mom being home I just want to make it till she is home. 9 sleeps, just 9 sleeps + 1 for her to rest ;)
That all being said I told Orlund. And although he agrees to try to keep baby in (letting it all go natural) he seemed to find the bumpiest roads on the way home, and took me out for dinner at a Mexican restaurant ~ one that I happen to LOVE their spicy sauce... I think he's wanting baby out!!
I also told him mom. She's so cute and so awesome :) Her labor for Orlund was around 12 hours, with her second, Twyla, it was from beginning to end only 45minutes!! So she's thinking/worrying that baby will come that fast. She's offered to watch Joy (+ Gracie) if need be, to take me to the hospital or what else we might need. She's such a help. And although I love her help, I hope we wont need to take her up on it to soon :)
Well there is my update for today.... now I need to go tend to a teething baby :(
God Bless,
and Please keep us in your "keep baby in till April 5th" prayers.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
So a fellow blogger of mine (mattnikki.blogspot.com) has been doing updates throughout her pregnancy on her blog. 5 updates so far. I thought it might be interesting to do one as well. I hope she doesn't mind I 'stole' her format.
How far along? 37 weeks 5days
Total weight gain/loss? as per last post~ 20lbs, 11lbs or 5lbs depending on how you look at it.
Maternity clothes? Even those are running low, but have some shirts prepreg that fit (loose)
Stretch marks? Applying "Firm" a Manatech product. So far no new marks this pregnancy (that I can see).
Sleep? What's that? lol. Very rare, especially with Joy teething.
Best moment since last update? well this is the first. Orlund bought me carnations :)
Movement? This baby doesn't stop.
Food cravings? Milk, Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate.....Oh and Chocolate :)
Gender? Yet to be discovered.
Baby Size (based on height of fundus)? Right on target.
Labor Signs? Cramping, the odd contraction, Braxton Hicks, Pressure.
Belly Button in or out? Both, mostly In, but sometimes baby pushes it out.
What I miss? SUSHI!!!!!!
What I am looking forward to? My mom coming home so we can get this show on the road.
Weekly Wisdom? Go to bed early even if you feel good. You just never know what'll keep you up in the night.
Milestones? I'm Full Term, It's the last day of double digit sleeps before Mom's home :)
Well there you go. Short and sweet. I'm sure I'll be on again soon.
God Bless!
How far along? 37 weeks 5days
Total weight gain/loss? as per last post~ 20lbs, 11lbs or 5lbs depending on how you look at it.
Maternity clothes? Even those are running low, but have some shirts prepreg that fit (loose)
Stretch marks? Applying "Firm" a Manatech product. So far no new marks this pregnancy (that I can see).
Sleep? What's that? lol. Very rare, especially with Joy teething.
Best moment since last update? well this is the first. Orlund bought me carnations :)
Movement? This baby doesn't stop.
Food cravings? Milk, Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate.....Oh and Chocolate :)
Gender? Yet to be discovered.
Baby Size (based on height of fundus)? Right on target.
Labor Signs? Cramping, the odd contraction, Braxton Hicks, Pressure.
Belly Button in or out? Both, mostly In, but sometimes baby pushes it out.
What I miss? SUSHI!!!!!!
What I am looking forward to? My mom coming home so we can get this show on the road.
Weekly Wisdom? Go to bed early even if you feel good. You just never know what'll keep you up in the night.
Milestones? I'm Full Term, It's the last day of double digit sleeps before Mom's home :)
Well there you go. Short and sweet. I'm sure I'll be on again soon.
God Bless!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
weight gain...
I know~ 2 posts in one day!! I must be bored ;)
I was just thinking about this past weekend. We went to a party. Well after the food, presents and cake the men headed downstairs to watch the hockey game. Us ladies (and most the kids) stayed upstairs and talked about ~ what else? ~ Pregnancy and babies. There were 5 of us women, 3 of us pregnant and the other two Grandmas. We got on the topic of weight gain during pregnancy. I made a joke (although true) that I was doing real good as I've only gained 5lbs so far (keep in Mind I'm 37 weeks pregnant). Then one of the gals said "my doctor say's if you've not gained at least 8lbs something isn't right". She wasn't saying something was wrong with me or LO, she was just being herself making me seem in the wrong. (I don't know if she knows she does this, or does it unintentionally, but she still does it). I laughed and said "well yes, however according to my doctor I've gained 11Lbs". I gave up trying to defend what I was trying to say and just let it go ~ as usual.
So it got me thinking when we got home, how much weight have I gained?
I lost 15lbs right away due to 'morning' sickness. During that time, when I'd only lost 6lbs, I went to the doctor and they weighed me. At the beginning you don't go to the doctors very often so they never weighed me at my lowest. Over and above my pre-pregnancy weight I've only gained 5lbs. So in reality from my lowest weight I've gained 20lbs. As far as my doctor knows I've gained 11Lbs. So I'm right on track. I've gained the 20lbs you are 'supposed' to gain, however I look amazing (so I've been told) as I'm only 5lbs heavier looking. I think I can handle that :)
Well 2.5 weeks left to go!!! Common April, hurry it up would ya?
I was just thinking about this past weekend. We went to a party. Well after the food, presents and cake the men headed downstairs to watch the hockey game. Us ladies (and most the kids) stayed upstairs and talked about ~ what else? ~ Pregnancy and babies. There were 5 of us women, 3 of us pregnant and the other two Grandmas. We got on the topic of weight gain during pregnancy. I made a joke (although true) that I was doing real good as I've only gained 5lbs so far (keep in Mind I'm 37 weeks pregnant). Then one of the gals said "my doctor say's if you've not gained at least 8lbs something isn't right". She wasn't saying something was wrong with me or LO, she was just being herself making me seem in the wrong. (I don't know if she knows she does this, or does it unintentionally, but she still does it). I laughed and said "well yes, however according to my doctor I've gained 11Lbs". I gave up trying to defend what I was trying to say and just let it go ~ as usual.
So it got me thinking when we got home, how much weight have I gained?
I lost 15lbs right away due to 'morning' sickness. During that time, when I'd only lost 6lbs, I went to the doctor and they weighed me. At the beginning you don't go to the doctors very often so they never weighed me at my lowest. Over and above my pre-pregnancy weight I've only gained 5lbs. So in reality from my lowest weight I've gained 20lbs. As far as my doctor knows I've gained 11Lbs. So I'm right on track. I've gained the 20lbs you are 'supposed' to gain, however I look amazing (so I've been told) as I'm only 5lbs heavier looking. I think I can handle that :)
Well 2.5 weeks left to go!!! Common April, hurry it up would ya?
Preggy or Lazy?
I say Preggy!
Today, a beautiful sunny day, I took Joy and Grace outside to play in the backyard. They wandered around picking up rocks (Joy LOVES rocks), rolling around on the grass (Joy HATES grass), and sliding down the slide. Oh and trying to chase the cat whenever they noticed her. I sat on our gliding chair. It was nice, peaceful and relaxing. I was watching the girls walk back and forth on our rock pathway, when I realized there were weeds growing. So feeling good I got up, and started weeding. I only got about half the weeds pulled before I had 'pulling' in my tummy. So I went back and rested on the glider. How silly! I couldn't even pull 50 weeds! and they are just little ones that come out easily.
So I sat for a bit longer looking over our yard. Raking. It desperately needs to be raked. Our back yard is completely fenced, then around the entire yard (minus the "garden") is a rock section a couple feet wide. In the rocky section is where all the trees are planted. Well due to the trees the rocks need to be raked and cleaned out, the grass needs to be raked to get rid of the dead grass. Oh I was motivated! I wanted to get that place spotless! One issue, I'd have to go all the way up stairs to get the key for the shed (stairs not fun when preggy, or when kids are outside). Then I thought about it a bit more....I couldn't pull 50 weeds, and the motion needed for raking is like vacuuming ~ not so fun at 37weeks pregnant.
So I stayed on the glider and chit chatted with the kids, pointing out airplanes, helicopters and birds. This is the time of year I get motivated for out door chores.... This is also the time in my pregnancy that I can't do most those chores. sigh. I guess I'll have to get Orlund to do them, or do them once my mom arrives to help bring on labor....
Today, a beautiful sunny day, I took Joy and Grace outside to play in the backyard. They wandered around picking up rocks (Joy LOVES rocks), rolling around on the grass (Joy HATES grass), and sliding down the slide. Oh and trying to chase the cat whenever they noticed her. I sat on our gliding chair. It was nice, peaceful and relaxing. I was watching the girls walk back and forth on our rock pathway, when I realized there were weeds growing. So feeling good I got up, and started weeding. I only got about half the weeds pulled before I had 'pulling' in my tummy. So I went back and rested on the glider. How silly! I couldn't even pull 50 weeds! and they are just little ones that come out easily.
So I sat for a bit longer looking over our yard. Raking. It desperately needs to be raked. Our back yard is completely fenced, then around the entire yard (minus the "garden") is a rock section a couple feet wide. In the rocky section is where all the trees are planted. Well due to the trees the rocks need to be raked and cleaned out, the grass needs to be raked to get rid of the dead grass. Oh I was motivated! I wanted to get that place spotless! One issue, I'd have to go all the way up stairs to get the key for the shed (stairs not fun when preggy, or when kids are outside). Then I thought about it a bit more....I couldn't pull 50 weeds, and the motion needed for raking is like vacuuming ~ not so fun at 37weeks pregnant.
So I stayed on the glider and chit chatted with the kids, pointing out airplanes, helicopters and birds. This is the time of year I get motivated for out door chores.... This is also the time in my pregnancy that I can't do most those chores. sigh. I guess I'll have to get Orlund to do them, or do them once my mom arrives to help bring on labor....
Monday, March 22, 2010
To Do
To do..... To do... this list is extensive, but I figure I'll write it out for the world to see. This is all in preparation for baby's arrival...
1) Pick up, wash and set up baby bassinet (hand-me-down from friend).
2) Finish washing baby clothes (just the take home outfit and receiving blankets).
3) Clean out car and install car seat base.
4) Clean out Master bedroom (it's got a bit crazy with laundry piles).
5) Dust entire house (including base boards).
6) Finish emptying office/spare room of items that don't belong (and set up as bedroom for my parents to stay in while helping with baby).
7) Do a general cleaning through the house, vacuuming, window washing, etc etc.
8) Make baby birth announcements (rather hard when don't know gender).
9) Out door work, flower beds etc.
10) Put away, pull out, and organize kids toys.
11) Do more pregnancy photo's.
That doesn't sound like that long of a list. However I'm still working which cuts into cleaning/organizing time. And actually adds to the load. I organized the kids room a few weeks ago however due to the girls playing in there it doesn't look very organized now.
I have another list sitting here in front of me, which has 18 items on it, however it is just a more detailed list of the above 11 items.
I do of course also want to work on Joy's baby book (she's almost two and I only have a few pages done) and to finish off the cross stitch I've been working on for 4 years already for my mom...... My girlfriend is coming over this next weekend so we will get some work done on the scrapbooks but I don't know when I'll do the cross stitch. It's not really something you can do with a toddler running around.
It's only 13 sleeps till My mom is home :)
Which means it's 19 sleeps till Baby's due date :)
Which in turn also means it's 20 sleeps till my 26th Birthday :)
Time is going quickly, but slowly at the same time. I'm shocked when half the day is over (nap time) and I have yet to get out of my PJ's or do any real work. However it feels like an eternity for the week to end. But when we finally reach Saturday (meaning I'm another week closer) it blows my mind!!!
I'm very excited for baby to arrive. I'm also a little afraid. I know how much work a newborn takes and this time I'll be topping it off with a two year old toddler and a 2.5year old daycare girl. I'm looking forward to having energy and flexibility again, however I know that too takes time to return. I just hope my Hubby realizes the extra work too (I think he does) so that I can rely on him for a little extra help (He was awesome when Joy was born so I'm sure he will be this time to).
Well I'd better go book a hospital tour before I forget and we have this baby! lol. (no we don't actually need a tour, however I want to make sure they still provide the things they did last time. And it'll be fun to refresh my memory of labor.).
1) Pick up, wash and set up baby bassinet (hand-me-down from friend).
2) Finish washing baby clothes (just the take home outfit and receiving blankets).
3) Clean out car and install car seat base.
4) Clean out Master bedroom (it's got a bit crazy with laundry piles).
5) Dust entire house (including base boards).
6) Finish emptying office/spare room of items that don't belong (and set up as bedroom for my parents to stay in while helping with baby).
7) Do a general cleaning through the house, vacuuming, window washing, etc etc.
8) Make baby birth announcements (rather hard when don't know gender).
9) Out door work, flower beds etc.
10) Put away, pull out, and organize kids toys.
11) Do more pregnancy photo's.
That doesn't sound like that long of a list. However I'm still working which cuts into cleaning/organizing time. And actually adds to the load. I organized the kids room a few weeks ago however due to the girls playing in there it doesn't look very organized now.
I have another list sitting here in front of me, which has 18 items on it, however it is just a more detailed list of the above 11 items.
I do of course also want to work on Joy's baby book (she's almost two and I only have a few pages done) and to finish off the cross stitch I've been working on for 4 years already for my mom...... My girlfriend is coming over this next weekend so we will get some work done on the scrapbooks but I don't know when I'll do the cross stitch. It's not really something you can do with a toddler running around.
It's only 13 sleeps till My mom is home :)
Which means it's 19 sleeps till Baby's due date :)
Which in turn also means it's 20 sleeps till my 26th Birthday :)
Time is going quickly, but slowly at the same time. I'm shocked when half the day is over (nap time) and I have yet to get out of my PJ's or do any real work. However it feels like an eternity for the week to end. But when we finally reach Saturday (meaning I'm another week closer) it blows my mind!!!
I'm very excited for baby to arrive. I'm also a little afraid. I know how much work a newborn takes and this time I'll be topping it off with a two year old toddler and a 2.5year old daycare girl. I'm looking forward to having energy and flexibility again, however I know that too takes time to return. I just hope my Hubby realizes the extra work too (I think he does) so that I can rely on him for a little extra help (He was awesome when Joy was born so I'm sure he will be this time to).
Well I'd better go book a hospital tour before I forget and we have this baby! lol. (no we don't actually need a tour, however I want to make sure they still provide the things they did last time. And it'll be fun to refresh my memory of labor.).
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
That's right. I'm bored. I'm tired and I'm bored. Don't hear me wrong, I have LOTS to do, however I'm bored. I'm tired of the same old same old. I guess I'm just ready for this baby to arrive to mix things up a bit!
I feel bad not getting all the things I need to get done done. Like this pile of clean laundry that's sitting across the room from me, just needs to be folded and put away. However I'm bored with it. The sun has been shining lately, which always helps motivate me, but I guess I'm just in a rut right now. I don't feel like I have the energy for anything right now. I hope this is just another 'fun' pregnancy phase I'm going through. I really need to get stuff finished up before babe arrives.
Finish green room (just some boxes to be moved around), clear out/tidy up our bedroom (it's amazing how neglecting it for a short while encourages piles and piles of stuff), then just the basic keep up. Laundry is the one I can't seem to keep up with. It's not hard to do laundry, just VERY time consuming (especially with my washer and dryer). Oh and the fish tank, kitty litter, flower beds......... the list really does just keep going......
Well that's all I really have to write.
God Bless you!
I feel bad not getting all the things I need to get done done. Like this pile of clean laundry that's sitting across the room from me, just needs to be folded and put away. However I'm bored with it. The sun has been shining lately, which always helps motivate me, but I guess I'm just in a rut right now. I don't feel like I have the energy for anything right now. I hope this is just another 'fun' pregnancy phase I'm going through. I really need to get stuff finished up before babe arrives.
Finish green room (just some boxes to be moved around), clear out/tidy up our bedroom (it's amazing how neglecting it for a short while encourages piles and piles of stuff), then just the basic keep up. Laundry is the one I can't seem to keep up with. It's not hard to do laundry, just VERY time consuming (especially with my washer and dryer). Oh and the fish tank, kitty litter, flower beds......... the list really does just keep going......
Well that's all I really have to write.
God Bless you!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
My wonderful 2.5 week holidays are officially over. sigh. They were great, however Joy got a cold for the first week. I got a cold for the first half of the second week. Then we finished off the last weekend with a big 'bang', Joy vomiting sick. Poor Girl. I felt so helpless. Here my baby girl is getting sick, crying, not eating or drinking and I don't know what to do. This is where mom's come in handy. Some day I'll be the mom that gets the phone call on what to do, but for now I still get to call my mom. However she was away on a trip so not online, and also lives 14hours ahead of us. So I got Orlund to call his mom. Thanks Hazel! Glad we both have our mom's around for us to call :) One tip I'll give, if you make Jello juice (watery Jello that doesn't set) make it from a flavor that wont stain. And if you don't have one of those flavors at home, GO BUY ONE! I think we will be okay as our Grape jello upings were all caught in a bucket or on Dark towels (sorry if TMI).
Joy is better. yippee. Now? My husband is sick. That's right. Sigh. poor guy. With him I know what to do. Leave him alone. Bring water. Drugs? Much easier.
I started work today. Grace is now potty trained. smile. She did very good today with just one small accident while napping (apparently her parents forgot to tell me to put a diaper on at nap time, I thought I'd try it one day and see how it went). I figured working would make my weeks go bye faster. sure. it probably will. however it doesn't make the individual days go faster. sigh. I want everything to go faster, then slow again once baby is here. Oh well. Can't have everything.
Mom's night out is this week. Yipee. Probably my last one before baby arrives. It's at the Keg. A lot of people like the Keg. I'm not that big of a fan. Too pricey. And not honestly that good. But I'm looking forward to the night out with the ladies from Church. It's always nice to get out without the kids.
I think I'm rambling now ;)
God Bless you all!
Joy is better. yippee. Now? My husband is sick. That's right. Sigh. poor guy. With him I know what to do. Leave him alone. Bring water. Drugs? Much easier.
I started work today. Grace is now potty trained. smile. She did very good today with just one small accident while napping (apparently her parents forgot to tell me to put a diaper on at nap time, I thought I'd try it one day and see how it went). I figured working would make my weeks go bye faster. sure. it probably will. however it doesn't make the individual days go faster. sigh. I want everything to go faster, then slow again once baby is here. Oh well. Can't have everything.
Mom's night out is this week. Yipee. Probably my last one before baby arrives. It's at the Keg. A lot of people like the Keg. I'm not that big of a fan. Too pricey. And not honestly that good. But I'm looking forward to the night out with the ladies from Church. It's always nice to get out without the kids.
I think I'm rambling now ;)
God Bless you all!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
That's right, I am 34 weeks pregnant. And honestly ready for it to be over! Although it can't be over until my mom arrives home from Thailand (April 4th). I'm tired, sore and just done with it. Although on the bright side of things Orlund's foot is healing nicely so he's starting to be able to hobble around without crutches. He's taken over cooking a few nights and even made a cake for our small group today. It really helps, although I still do clean up and bring him things he can't carry while hobbling. Which is fine. I have this next week off still from work. I have alot I want to do... Although I'm fighting a cold right now so who knows how much I'll actually get done. I had all my time scheduled off, however my body keeps telling me to slow down, which makes me feel lazy not getting it all done, but I do need to take it easy. As Orlund likes to point out most pregnant women don't do all this work this close to the end.
I wanted to get Joy's scrapbook done before my 2.5 weeks off. I got pictures printed, that's all. sigh. I have got all the baby stuff organized this past week like I'd planned too (although still have to bring up carseat, cradle etc from crawlspace but I might just leave that for Orlund to help with).
Joy has started sleeping in her 'big girl bed' at night. She's only had one nap in it so far and that's 'cause she fell asleep in the car so I just put her in there. She does great, although if I don't go and get her in the morning right away after a while she decides to get up anyway and just plays quietly in her room. Unless she hears me moving around then will knock on her door. So cute!
This morning I felt great!! The best I've felt in a long, long time! (34weeks probably!). I had a nice nap yesterday, when Joy got up Daddy played with her and let me sleep longer. Then night was usual, however in the morning I woke up and the others kept sleeping. I had a shower (think I need to do that in the morning more, I've been doing it more afternoon. But I think mornings it'll have to be again), I got dressed. Ate breakfast, sipped on a warm drink, put my makeup on and was all ready to go before I woke the others up. I had coffee and toast ready for Orlund and Milk with toast for Joy. Got them up, fed, dressed and out the door. Went to church, where after I dropped Orlund and Joy off at the door I parked the car, got a spot on the pavement for once, then headed inside to find Grandma and Grandpa Norstrom holding Joy. Fine by me :) Orlund, Twyla (his sister) and I sat in a different section. It was nice for a break from having to hold her during worship. Then Hugh brought her to us when worship was done. It was all great until the hockey game...
That's right the Olympics! Me! Canada vs USA, common who didn't watch? The only problem? it cut into my nap time... I got Joy down for her nap, but stayed up to watch the game, figured I'd get to bed an hour late~ that's okay. NOT they ended up going into overtime! So I headed to bed where I couldn't sleep, kept listening to Orlund's noises trying to figure out what was happening. Canada won GOLD! AWESOME! Missed that final shot :(. Still couldn't sleep. Joy got up and helped Daddy bake the cake, while I attempted to sleep. didn't. couldn't. sigh.
Cleaned the house and ate dinner while watching the closing ceremonies. Had small group people arrive, watched a bit more of the closing stuff then got on with our small group. It was good. as always. cake was yummy! Now it's 10pm and I'm heading to bed. yup. Gotta take Orlund to work and have a docs apt in the am. Good night all!
I wanted to get Joy's scrapbook done before my 2.5 weeks off. I got pictures printed, that's all. sigh. I have got all the baby stuff organized this past week like I'd planned too (although still have to bring up carseat, cradle etc from crawlspace but I might just leave that for Orlund to help with).
Joy has started sleeping in her 'big girl bed' at night. She's only had one nap in it so far and that's 'cause she fell asleep in the car so I just put her in there. She does great, although if I don't go and get her in the morning right away after a while she decides to get up anyway and just plays quietly in her room. Unless she hears me moving around then will knock on her door. So cute!
This morning I felt great!! The best I've felt in a long, long time! (34weeks probably!). I had a nice nap yesterday, when Joy got up Daddy played with her and let me sleep longer. Then night was usual, however in the morning I woke up and the others kept sleeping. I had a shower (think I need to do that in the morning more, I've been doing it more afternoon. But I think mornings it'll have to be again), I got dressed. Ate breakfast, sipped on a warm drink, put my makeup on and was all ready to go before I woke the others up. I had coffee and toast ready for Orlund and Milk with toast for Joy. Got them up, fed, dressed and out the door. Went to church, where after I dropped Orlund and Joy off at the door I parked the car, got a spot on the pavement for once, then headed inside to find Grandma and Grandpa Norstrom holding Joy. Fine by me :) Orlund, Twyla (his sister) and I sat in a different section. It was nice for a break from having to hold her during worship. Then Hugh brought her to us when worship was done. It was all great until the hockey game...
That's right the Olympics! Me! Canada vs USA, common who didn't watch? The only problem? it cut into my nap time... I got Joy down for her nap, but stayed up to watch the game, figured I'd get to bed an hour late~ that's okay. NOT they ended up going into overtime! So I headed to bed where I couldn't sleep, kept listening to Orlund's noises trying to figure out what was happening. Canada won GOLD! AWESOME! Missed that final shot :(. Still couldn't sleep. Joy got up and helped Daddy bake the cake, while I attempted to sleep. didn't. couldn't. sigh.
Cleaned the house and ate dinner while watching the closing ceremonies. Had small group people arrive, watched a bit more of the closing stuff then got on with our small group. It was good. as always. cake was yummy! Now it's 10pm and I'm heading to bed. yup. Gotta take Orlund to work and have a docs apt in the am. Good night all!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I have a few things to blog about. Not just names.
I am 29weeks and 4days pregnant! I can't believe I only have February and March before my mom is back and this baby will make his or her appearance ~ hopefully not until my mom returns. Mom leaves in 3 sleeps. *sniff*. I'm going to miss her. However I have ensured I'll keep busy until she arrives. Feb is dedicated to Joy's scrapbook. My 2.5 weeks off at the end of Feb, beginning of March, is dedicated to 'nesting'. lol. I am going to go through Joy's clothes, packing unpacking what she now fits for clothing. Going to go through all the boxes of newborn clothes, blankets, toys etc. Organize the kids room so it's all ready. Pack our hospital bags, write out schedules for my mom (she'll be looking after Joy and depending on labor day Gracie as well), and buying anything I need to stock up on. Also doing a 'spring' cleaning so the whole house is ready for my husband, mom, mom-in-law and anyone else who braves entering the house. I'll stock up on groceries (that aren't going to go bad). Cook food and freeze it and all that goodness.
March is then dedicated to finishing my mom's cross stitch. I gave it to her as her 50th birthday present, that was a 'few' years ago now and I just need to get it done! Then April is making some cards etc, April 4th my mom arrives and from then until baby is born is play time with mom and Joy. I think lots of swimming too!
I am addicted to coffee! Yup. ME. I always thought people were messed up (so to speak) for needing their coffee intake daily. I can do without it, just don't want to! And here I am pregnant so not supposed to be drinking coffee. I now (due to Orlund busting his leg) make coffee. Pour it into a jar once cooled. Place jar in fridge. When want a coffee, fill glass 1/2 full with coffee. fill other 1/2 with milk. Add sugar, hint of Carmel. Enjoy. And I do enjoy it!
I have heartburn. nice thing to follow coffee eh? But I eat a tums and I have heartburn. I don't get heartburn from milk, water, and that's about it. Oh and apples. I can eat an apple without getting heartburn, but once the apple is out of my stomach the heartburn hits again. Old wives tale (they say has some scientific foundation) says if you have heartburn in pregnancy your baby will have lots of hair. Joy had lots of hair. With Joy I didn't have 1/3 the heartburn I do this time. This baby is going to come out with shoulder length hair!!! (or watch I'll be the exception and baby will be bald!).
So onto Names ~ Sorry I don't blog much, so when I do I have a lot to catch up on. Back in the day before we got pregnant with Joy we picked out 2 girl names, and 3 boy names. Since having Joy we decided we didn't like the other girl name as much as a new name we just picked. And since Joy 2 of our boy names have been used by close friends (they didn't know our names we kept them all secret). However our baby boy name #1 wasn't taken, still isn't. However recently we've become unsure of it. So I've been looking through baby names. I've found one we both like, and so far like it better than the name we had all along. We still aren't 100% sure though. I still have my 100,000 baby name book to look through. Wish me/us luck! We find it funny that with Joy we were deciding between the two names when she was born, but had the boy name 100%. Now it's the opposite, we have a girl name but not 100% on the boy name... maybe that means it's a boy? I'm tempted to find out, but I wont. this is a surprise I enjoy.
I am 29weeks and 4days pregnant! I can't believe I only have February and March before my mom is back and this baby will make his or her appearance ~ hopefully not until my mom returns. Mom leaves in 3 sleeps. *sniff*. I'm going to miss her. However I have ensured I'll keep busy until she arrives. Feb is dedicated to Joy's scrapbook. My 2.5 weeks off at the end of Feb, beginning of March, is dedicated to 'nesting'. lol. I am going to go through Joy's clothes, packing unpacking what she now fits for clothing. Going to go through all the boxes of newborn clothes, blankets, toys etc. Organize the kids room so it's all ready. Pack our hospital bags, write out schedules for my mom (she'll be looking after Joy and depending on labor day Gracie as well), and buying anything I need to stock up on. Also doing a 'spring' cleaning so the whole house is ready for my husband, mom, mom-in-law and anyone else who braves entering the house. I'll stock up on groceries (that aren't going to go bad). Cook food and freeze it and all that goodness.
March is then dedicated to finishing my mom's cross stitch. I gave it to her as her 50th birthday present, that was a 'few' years ago now and I just need to get it done! Then April is making some cards etc, April 4th my mom arrives and from then until baby is born is play time with mom and Joy. I think lots of swimming too!
I am addicted to coffee! Yup. ME. I always thought people were messed up (so to speak) for needing their coffee intake daily. I can do without it, just don't want to! And here I am pregnant so not supposed to be drinking coffee. I now (due to Orlund busting his leg) make coffee. Pour it into a jar once cooled. Place jar in fridge. When want a coffee, fill glass 1/2 full with coffee. fill other 1/2 with milk. Add sugar, hint of Carmel. Enjoy. And I do enjoy it!
I have heartburn. nice thing to follow coffee eh? But I eat a tums and I have heartburn. I don't get heartburn from milk, water, and that's about it. Oh and apples. I can eat an apple without getting heartburn, but once the apple is out of my stomach the heartburn hits again. Old wives tale (they say has some scientific foundation) says if you have heartburn in pregnancy your baby will have lots of hair. Joy had lots of hair. With Joy I didn't have 1/3 the heartburn I do this time. This baby is going to come out with shoulder length hair!!! (or watch I'll be the exception and baby will be bald!).
So onto Names ~ Sorry I don't blog much, so when I do I have a lot to catch up on. Back in the day before we got pregnant with Joy we picked out 2 girl names, and 3 boy names. Since having Joy we decided we didn't like the other girl name as much as a new name we just picked. And since Joy 2 of our boy names have been used by close friends (they didn't know our names we kept them all secret). However our baby boy name #1 wasn't taken, still isn't. However recently we've become unsure of it. So I've been looking through baby names. I've found one we both like, and so far like it better than the name we had all along. We still aren't 100% sure though. I still have my 100,000 baby name book to look through. Wish me/us luck! We find it funny that with Joy we were deciding between the two names when she was born, but had the boy name 100%. Now it's the opposite, we have a girl name but not 100% on the boy name... maybe that means it's a boy? I'm tempted to find out, but I wont. this is a surprise I enjoy.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
So my husband has a broken leg. Read my last post on all that 'goodness'. So I've been put into overdrive. Looking after Joy, my daycare girl, the house, the cat, the car and oh yeah the hubby. Don't get me wrong I love it. Just it tires me out now with this little one growing inside me. Oh and exciting news? I'm in my 3rd trimester!!! CRAZY!!!
I'll talk about my pregnancy before I talk about my overdrive. I'm 27weeks preggy. And I feel like this baby is 9months already ~ why? Baby kicks as hard as Joy did in the last month. Now I still have 3 months of this and it's only going to get more painful. But I'm starting to feel more energized (well until overdrive set in). I even stopped taking naps! Unbelievable I know! But I seem to do my best in the last leg of pregnancy. Morning sickness it completely gone, I look pregnant, and I'm excited for babies arrival ~ while trying to enjoy time alone with my daughter as well. I am on a pregnancy forum (where preggy mom's due around me all chit chat). They are all ready and set up for babies arrival...3 months in advance? I dont' think I was even that ready with Joy. Because we had to redo flooring etc, and set up the furniture. This time around? I dont' plan to even look at the boxes of newborn stuff until begining of March. Orlund will have his cast off and I wont have Grace for a few weeks. Perfect time to rearrange furniture and go through all the baby stuff. I'm very excited to set up for baby, but I honestly don't know how we will fit him/her in. Joy has SO MUCH STUFF that I just don't know how it will work out. I have decided I need more shelves in the closet in their room. That would provide enough room, however......I have to remove one of the shelving units from the room to fit Joy's 'big girl bed'. hmmmm... Oh well I'll make it work. I can get pretty creative, might just have to build some shelves etc.
Now onto my overdrive. So Orlund broke his leg on Tuesday. Tuesday night was Mom Norstroms birthday dinner. That's it for the week (besides working on thrusday). Orlund was okay'd to work from home so he worked thursday and friday, I think a bit wednesday ~ atleast setting up the connection to work. Friday we get a call from one of our pastors that the small group we volunteered to host IS happening this sunday. Sure, I was looking forward to hosting it. My house was a disaster!! This is the overdrive. I'd been working on laundry all week (still not done), I got Orlund to do some folding. That's about all he could do. So I started cleaning. Saturday I had a birthday party to go to then we went to dinner out at my parents place. There goes saturday for cleaning. Today, Sunday, I cleaned this house upside and out. I'm tired. I'll sleep good tonight. I was just about to put some cookie dough in the oven (frozen stuff) when the pastor called to say that he didn't think anyone was coming tonight....And no one showed up. That's okay right? My house is spotless, and I still have to move some furniture back to their places (chairs). Orlund said it's good that the house is clean 'cause then I can go hang out with my mom tomorrow and not worry about the house needing to be cleaned......sure....This means he wont be bugging me about things needing to get done, however it makes me realize just how much more I have to do. Laundry. Fish tank. Vacuum downstairs (toy room). Clean our ensuite. Remop the entry (doesn't work moping in the dark). kitty litter. and the list goes on. But at least if anyone was to stop in to say "hi" my house would seem clean :) I love it being clean.
Well I should run, I've got some stuff to research online.
God Bless you.
I'll talk about my pregnancy before I talk about my overdrive. I'm 27weeks preggy. And I feel like this baby is 9months already ~ why? Baby kicks as hard as Joy did in the last month. Now I still have 3 months of this and it's only going to get more painful. But I'm starting to feel more energized (well until overdrive set in). I even stopped taking naps! Unbelievable I know! But I seem to do my best in the last leg of pregnancy. Morning sickness it completely gone, I look pregnant, and I'm excited for babies arrival ~ while trying to enjoy time alone with my daughter as well. I am on a pregnancy forum (where preggy mom's due around me all chit chat). They are all ready and set up for babies arrival...3 months in advance? I dont' think I was even that ready with Joy. Because we had to redo flooring etc, and set up the furniture. This time around? I dont' plan to even look at the boxes of newborn stuff until begining of March. Orlund will have his cast off and I wont have Grace for a few weeks. Perfect time to rearrange furniture and go through all the baby stuff. I'm very excited to set up for baby, but I honestly don't know how we will fit him/her in. Joy has SO MUCH STUFF that I just don't know how it will work out. I have decided I need more shelves in the closet in their room. That would provide enough room, however......I have to remove one of the shelving units from the room to fit Joy's 'big girl bed'. hmmmm... Oh well I'll make it work. I can get pretty creative, might just have to build some shelves etc.
Now onto my overdrive. So Orlund broke his leg on Tuesday. Tuesday night was Mom Norstroms birthday dinner. That's it for the week (besides working on thrusday). Orlund was okay'd to work from home so he worked thursday and friday, I think a bit wednesday ~ atleast setting up the connection to work. Friday we get a call from one of our pastors that the small group we volunteered to host IS happening this sunday. Sure, I was looking forward to hosting it. My house was a disaster!! This is the overdrive. I'd been working on laundry all week (still not done), I got Orlund to do some folding. That's about all he could do. So I started cleaning. Saturday I had a birthday party to go to then we went to dinner out at my parents place. There goes saturday for cleaning. Today, Sunday, I cleaned this house upside and out. I'm tired. I'll sleep good tonight. I was just about to put some cookie dough in the oven (frozen stuff) when the pastor called to say that he didn't think anyone was coming tonight....And no one showed up. That's okay right? My house is spotless, and I still have to move some furniture back to their places (chairs). Orlund said it's good that the house is clean 'cause then I can go hang out with my mom tomorrow and not worry about the house needing to be cleaned......sure....This means he wont be bugging me about things needing to get done, however it makes me realize just how much more I have to do. Laundry. Fish tank. Vacuum downstairs (toy room). Clean our ensuite. Remop the entry (doesn't work moping in the dark). kitty litter. and the list goes on. But at least if anyone was to stop in to say "hi" my house would seem clean :) I love it being clean.
Well I should run, I've got some stuff to research online.
God Bless you.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wow, okay....curve ball!
I've already filled you in on my wonderful surprise New years day ~ Mom coming home. Want to hear how the rest of my days have gone so far? New years day was Friday. Saturday Orlund, Joy and I hung out at home, Orlund did leave for a bit to pick up our dishwasher with his parents. I was waiting to eat lunch with him (until dinner time) to find out he ate with his parents before picking up the dishwasher ~ oops, communication. But I was happy, I had my dishwasher. Sunday was nice, went to church, had my mom and dad over for lunch. Then Mom and I got to hang out for a while. Unfortunately on New years day Joy picked up a cold. And she decided to start teething. So NO sleeping. NO naps. Lots of snot and drool though. Poor girl.
Monday finally arrived. I was excited. 1) I was getting my dishwasher installed. and 2) Orlund was back to work and I could get back to my routines. That sounds bad. However having him home throws off my routine, it throws his off too. I'm sure everyone feels this way, probably why people are excited for kids to go back to school. I wanted to spend the day cleaning and getting organized. Which I did. Didn't do as much as I'd wanted to however got the essentials done.
And I LOVE my dishwasher... what a BLESSING! takes 5minutes to do dishes instead of an hour!! (of my time that is).
Tuesday morning...... I was up with Orlund, actually I was up before him (bladders with a baby ontop do that). We both got ready for work (first day with Grace back). I headed downstairs when I heard him shovelling snow off the driveway. I was reorganizing the toy room (one of the things I didn't get done) when I heard this horendous noise. It wasn't crying, or shouting, just a loud like groaning. I ran outside in my white socks to see a neighbor start down our driveway, I rounded the car to see Orlund sprawled out on the driveway groaning! "I broke my leg" he said. the neighbor and I both looked at his leg, the left one, it was twisted up weird. The neighbor said "looks like a sprain" as he started to reach for it, then Orlund said "I heard it snap" the neighbor backed his hands up and said "it looks broken". The neighbor then helped Orlund to his feet, he asked first if Orlund could put pressure on it at all "nope". Then as Orlund stood up he stepped on his left foot. Both the neighbor and I looked and he asked "you can put pressure on it?" "no, it's my other foot". Here we were both thinking it was the left foot when in fact it was the RIGHT foot! I'm so thankful the neighbor was there, he helped load orlund into the passenger side of our car. NOW WHAT? I couldn't just leave, Grace was due to arrive any minute! And we don't have a car seat for her. So I figured I'd call her parent's cell phone. off. Okay, I'll call Orlund's mom, she can drive here then take him and I can stay with the kids (I wanted to go but this made the most sense). So I called her up, woke her up, and she headed out the door.(and it was Hazel's birthday, new way to start the day "Hi mom, Happy birthday can you drive me to the hospital? I broke my leg!") Grace arrived and it seemed like forever for Hazel to get here (it wasn't). After explaining that we wouldn't be able to move Orlund and so she had to drive our car they were off. And I was left at home watching Grace (Joy was asleep) and wanting to know what happened.
He BROKE his leg! That's right, just above the ankle. Luckily it was a clean break. So no resetting etc. Just casted ~ for 6 weeks. So now, after my excitement of getting into routine, I have my husband home. Unable to do pretty much anything! It's actually kinda interesting. I find anyway. I feel more like doing things (cleaning etc) now that he's here. Kinda like he doesn't expect me to do it (preggy etc), but he can't so I feel more like I'm doing it for him and it seems to motivate me more...SHHHHH, don't tell him that though ;)
So now I have to get up everymorning to drive him to work (he's off for this week though). I don't mind getting up earlier, I just don't like getting Joy up earlier. Oh well you do what you have to do. I don't know if I'll be able to ever get her back to sleeping in until 10am, but this is what has to happen.
Still after the broken leg we convinced Hazel not to cancel her birthday dinner (we had been waiting for it, dinner out). So we got there, Orlund hobbled about, and it was good!
Well that's all I'll blab about for now. It's bedtime. I need my rest for tomorrow (Grace is here), I was out today and it sure wears me out!
God Bless you!
Monday finally arrived. I was excited. 1) I was getting my dishwasher installed. and 2) Orlund was back to work and I could get back to my routines. That sounds bad. However having him home throws off my routine, it throws his off too. I'm sure everyone feels this way, probably why people are excited for kids to go back to school. I wanted to spend the day cleaning and getting organized. Which I did. Didn't do as much as I'd wanted to however got the essentials done.
And I LOVE my dishwasher... what a BLESSING! takes 5minutes to do dishes instead of an hour!! (of my time that is).
Tuesday morning...... I was up with Orlund, actually I was up before him (bladders with a baby ontop do that). We both got ready for work (first day with Grace back). I headed downstairs when I heard him shovelling snow off the driveway. I was reorganizing the toy room (one of the things I didn't get done) when I heard this horendous noise. It wasn't crying, or shouting, just a loud like groaning. I ran outside in my white socks to see a neighbor start down our driveway, I rounded the car to see Orlund sprawled out on the driveway groaning! "I broke my leg" he said. the neighbor and I both looked at his leg, the left one, it was twisted up weird. The neighbor said "looks like a sprain" as he started to reach for it, then Orlund said "I heard it snap" the neighbor backed his hands up and said "it looks broken". The neighbor then helped Orlund to his feet, he asked first if Orlund could put pressure on it at all "nope". Then as Orlund stood up he stepped on his left foot. Both the neighbor and I looked and he asked "you can put pressure on it?" "no, it's my other foot". Here we were both thinking it was the left foot when in fact it was the RIGHT foot! I'm so thankful the neighbor was there, he helped load orlund into the passenger side of our car. NOW WHAT? I couldn't just leave, Grace was due to arrive any minute! And we don't have a car seat for her. So I figured I'd call her parent's cell phone. off. Okay, I'll call Orlund's mom, she can drive here then take him and I can stay with the kids (I wanted to go but this made the most sense). So I called her up, woke her up, and she headed out the door.(and it was Hazel's birthday, new way to start the day "Hi mom, Happy birthday can you drive me to the hospital? I broke my leg!") Grace arrived and it seemed like forever for Hazel to get here (it wasn't). After explaining that we wouldn't be able to move Orlund and so she had to drive our car they were off. And I was left at home watching Grace (Joy was asleep) and wanting to know what happened.
He BROKE his leg! That's right, just above the ankle. Luckily it was a clean break. So no resetting etc. Just casted ~ for 6 weeks. So now, after my excitement of getting into routine, I have my husband home. Unable to do pretty much anything! It's actually kinda interesting. I find anyway. I feel more like doing things (cleaning etc) now that he's here. Kinda like he doesn't expect me to do it (preggy etc), but he can't so I feel more like I'm doing it for him and it seems to motivate me more...SHHHHH, don't tell him that though ;)
So now I have to get up everymorning to drive him to work (he's off for this week though). I don't mind getting up earlier, I just don't like getting Joy up earlier. Oh well you do what you have to do. I don't know if I'll be able to ever get her back to sleeping in until 10am, but this is what has to happen.
Still after the broken leg we convinced Hazel not to cancel her birthday dinner (we had been waiting for it, dinner out). So we got there, Orlund hobbled about, and it was good!
Well that's all I'll blab about for now. It's bedtime. I need my rest for tomorrow (Grace is here), I was out today and it sure wears me out!
God Bless you!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Start of the New Year
New Years Eve wasn't what we had hoped it to be. We rented a movie. After watching 15minutes (or less) we shut it off. Gross. Luckily we had a few episodes of 'friends' so enjoyed that for an hour or so. then went to bed around 11pm.
New years Day we wanted to head out to my Brother's house to have dinner with him and my dad. My Dad had just returned from Thailand from visiting my mom and their 20 other kids. We wanted to be out of the house at 10am to ensure lots of sleighing time with Joy. We got out at quarter to 11. By the time we got to my Bro's house it was almost noon and we were hungry!
My Dad was all excited and wanted us to open our Christmas gifts, which both Orlund and I found strange but went along with it anyway (who say's no to gifts?). My dad ran downstairs and returned carrying a suitcase. "you have to open it" Dad said. We started to open it and try to get Joy to help. I then noticed my brother in the corner of my eye at the top of the stairs with the camera. Next to him stood a lady. I stared at her for a good few seconds (felt like minutes) trying to decide if it really was her. How could it be? MY MOM?!?!?! I jumped to my feet and gave her a hug. I screamed when I got up, scared Joy ~ poor girl. I couldn't contain the tears, I was getting the hug I'd longed for for so long. Every person you love has a specail way of hugging. Not one is the same. And Mom hugs just always seem at the top of the list (especially when you don't get them all the time).
Mom had flown home with Dad and is home for a month. Unfortunately she's staying a good 40minutes out of town. I love winter but I hate winter driving... and I booked my entire next week full! Next week I am definetly keeping it open! ('cept work of course).
Well that was the most wonderful start to the New Year I could have ever asked for. I pray yours was as good, and your year be filled with wonderful moments just like this one. God bless.
New years Day we wanted to head out to my Brother's house to have dinner with him and my dad. My Dad had just returned from Thailand from visiting my mom and their 20 other kids. We wanted to be out of the house at 10am to ensure lots of sleighing time with Joy. We got out at quarter to 11. By the time we got to my Bro's house it was almost noon and we were hungry!
My Dad was all excited and wanted us to open our Christmas gifts, which both Orlund and I found strange but went along with it anyway (who say's no to gifts?). My dad ran downstairs and returned carrying a suitcase. "you have to open it" Dad said. We started to open it and try to get Joy to help. I then noticed my brother in the corner of my eye at the top of the stairs with the camera. Next to him stood a lady. I stared at her for a good few seconds (felt like minutes) trying to decide if it really was her. How could it be? MY MOM?!?!?! I jumped to my feet and gave her a hug. I screamed when I got up, scared Joy ~ poor girl. I couldn't contain the tears, I was getting the hug I'd longed for for so long. Every person you love has a specail way of hugging. Not one is the same. And Mom hugs just always seem at the top of the list (especially when you don't get them all the time).
Mom had flown home with Dad and is home for a month. Unfortunately she's staying a good 40minutes out of town. I love winter but I hate winter driving... and I booked my entire next week full! Next week I am definetly keeping it open! ('cept work of course).
Well that was the most wonderful start to the New Year I could have ever asked for. I pray yours was as good, and your year be filled with wonderful moments just like this one. God bless.
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